This is a message for Bully...
I don't know if you will accept my offering, but I would like to donate money for some good unreleased MW3 codes that don't ruin the game. Some codes that would ruin the game are codes like a demote lobby code(if theres such thing) and some other codes, so none of that. I know the game is a little dead but I still enjoy playing. So I know you will probably no but all I am saying is that I am willing to donate you money for good unreleased codes.
I don't know if you will accept my offering, but I would like to donate money for some good unreleased MW3 codes that don't ruin the game. Some codes that would ruin the game are codes like a demote lobby code(if theres such thing) and some other codes, so none of that. I know the game is a little dead but I still enjoy playing. So I know you will probably no but all I am saying is that I am willing to donate you money for good unreleased codes.