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couple MW3 Codes

5 posters

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1couple MW3 Codes Empty couple MW3 Codes 7/6/2014, 9:58 am



Since i cant post in sm8e52 forum here a couple codes i made for mw3

Display Ally Code as Name [xNEROx]
2820236A 0000XXXX
80000000 80A03BFC
8A00100F 00A07C0C
E0000000 80008000
couple MW3 Codes I2j3YAs

[SM8E52] Restore Profile Name [xNEROx]
2820236A 0000XXXX
80000000 YYYYYYYY
8A00100F 00A07C0C
E0000000 80008000
Profile 1- 808FE688
Profile 2- 808FE6A8
Profile 3- 808FE6C8
Profile 3- 808FE6E8
*Replace Y With Profile Address

Ally Name Changer #-1 [xNEROx/xJakey]
04A3EFAC xxxxxxxx
04A3EFB0 xxxxxxxx
04A3EFB4 xxxxxxxx
04A3EFB8 xxxxxxxx
04A3EFBC xxxxxxxx
04A3EFC0 xxxxxxxx
E0000000 80008000

Ally Name Changer #-2 [xNEROx/xJakey]
04A3F03C xxxxxxxx
04A3F040 xxxxxxxx
04A3F044 xxxxxxxx
04A3F048 xxxxxxxx
04A3F04C xxxxxxxx
04A3F050 xxxxxxxx
E0000000 80008000

Ally Name Changer #-3 [xNEROx/xJakey]
04A3F0CC xxxxxxxx
04A3F0D0 xxxxxxxx
04A3F0D4 xxxxxxxx
04A3F0D8 xxxxxxxx
04A3F0DC xxxxxxxx
04A3F0E0 xxxxxxxx
E0000000 80008000

Ally Name Changer #-3[xNEROx/xJakey]
04A3F15C xxxxxxxx
04A3F160 xxxxxxxx
04A3F164 xxxxxxxx
04A3F168 xxxxxxxx
04A3F16C xxxxxxxx
04A3F170 xxxxxxxx
E0000000 80008000

Ally Name Changer #-4 [xNEROx/xJakey]
04A3F1EC xxxxxxxx
04A3F1F0 xxxxxxxx
04A3F1F4 xxxxxxxx
04A3F1F8 xxxxxxxx
04A3F1FC xxxxxxxx
04A3F200 xxxxxxxx
E0000000 80008000

Ally Name Changer #-5 [xNEROx/xJakey]
04A3F27C xxxxxxxx
04A3F280 xxxxxxxx
04A3F284 xxxxxxxx
04A3F288 xxxxxxxx
04A3F28C xxxxxxxx
04A3F290 xxxxxxxx
E0000000 80008000

Ally Name Changer #-6 [xNEROx/xJakey]
04A3F30C xxxxxxxx
04A3F310 xxxxxxxx
04A3F314 xxxxxxxx
04A3F318 xxxxxxxx
04A3F31C xxxxxxxx
04A3F320 xxxxxxxx
E0000000 80008000

Ally Name Changer #-7 [xNEROx/xJakey]
04A3F39C xxxxxxxx
04A3F3A0 xxxxxxxx
04A3F3A4 xxxxxxxx
04A3F3A8 xxxxxxxx
04A3F3AC xxxxxxxx
04A3F3B0 xxxxxxxx
E0000000 80008000

Ally Name Changer #-8 [xNEROx/xJakey]
04A3F42C xxxxxxxx
04A3F430 xxxxxxxx
04A3F434 xxxxxxxx
04A3F438 xxxxxxxx
04A3F43C xxxxxxxx
04A3F440 xxxxxxxx
E0000000 80008000

Ally Name Changer #-9 [xNEROx/xJakey]
04A3F4BC xxxxxxxx
04A3F4C0 xxxxxxxx
04A3F4C4 xxxxxxxx
04A3F4C8 xxxxxxxx
04A3F4CC xxxxxxxx
04A3F4D0 xxxxxxxx
E0000000 80008000

Ally Name Changer #-10 [xNEROx/xJakey]
04A3F54C xxxxxxxx
04A3F550 xxxxxxxx
04A3F554 xxxxxxxx
04A3F558 xxxxxxxx
04A3F55C xxxxxxxx
04A3F560 xxxxxxxx
E0000000 80008000

Ally Name Changer #-11 [xNEROx/xJakey]
04A3F5DC xxxxxxxx
04A3F5E0 xxxxxxxx
04A3F5E4 xxxxxxxx
04A3F5E8 xxxxxxxx
04A3F5EC xxxxxxxx
04A3F5F0 xxxxxxxx
E0000000 80008000

Ally Name Changer #-12 [xNEROx/xJakey]
04A3F66C xxxxxxxx
04A3F670 xxxxxxxx
04A3F674 xxxxxxxx
04A3F678 xxxxxxxx
04A3F67C xxxxxxxx
04A3F680 xxxxxxxx
E0000000 80008000

Ally Name Changer #-13 [xNEROx/xJakey]
04A3F6FC xxxxxxxx
04A3F704 xxxxxxxx
04A3F708 xxxxxxxx
04A3F70C xxxxxxxx
04A3F710 xxxxxxxx
04A3F714 xxxxxxxx
E0000000 80008000

Ally Name Changer #-14 [xNEROx/xJakey]
04A3F78C xxxxxxxx
04A3F790 xxxxxxxx
04A3F794 xxxxxxxx
04A3F798 xxxxxxxx
04A3F79C xxxxxxxx
04A3F7A0 xxxxxxxx
E0000000 80008000

Ally Name Changer #-15 [xNEROx/xJakey]
04A3F81C xxxxxxxx
04A3F820 xxxxxxxx
04A3F824 xxxxxxxx
04A3F828 xxxxxxxx
04A3F82C xxxxxxxx
04A3F830 xxxxxxxx
E0000000 80008000

Ally Name Changer #-16 [xNEROx/xJakey]
04A3F8AC xxxxxxxx
04A3F8B0 xxxxxxxx
04A3F8B4 xxxxxxxx
04A3F8B8 xxxxxxxx
04A3F8BC xxxxxxxx
04A3F8C0 xxxxxxxx
E0000000 80008000

Ally Name Changer #-17 [xNEROx/xJakey]
04A3F93C xxxxxxxx
04A3F940 xxxxxxxx
04A3F944 xxxxxxxx
04A3F948 xxxxxxxx
04A3F94C xxxxxxxx
04A3F950 xxxxxxxx
E0000000 80008000

Ally Name Changer #-18 [xNEROx/xJakey]
04A3F9CC xxxxxxxx
04A3F9D0 xxxxxxxx
04A3F9D4 xxxxxxxx
04A3F9D8 xxxxxxxx
04A3F9DC xxxxxxxx
04A3F9E0 xxxxxxxx
E0000000 80008000

Ally Name Changer #-19 [xNEROx/xJakey]
04A3FA5C xxxxxxxx
04A3FA60 xxxxxxxx
04A3FA64 xxxxxxxx
04A3FA68 xxxxxxxx
04A3FA6C xxxxxxxx
04A3FA70 xxxxxxxx
E0000000 80008000

Ally Name Changer #-20 [xNEROx/xJakey]
04A3FAEC xxxxxxxx
04A3FAF0 xxxxxxxx
04A3FAF4 xxxxxxxx
04A3FAF8 xxxxxxxx
04A3FAFC xxxxxxxx
04A3FB00 xxxxxxxx
E0000000 80008000

2couple MW3 Codes Empty Re: couple MW3 Codes 7/6/2014, 10:00 am



I'll post them in the code's section.

3couple MW3 Codes Empty Re: couple MW3 Codes 7/6/2014, 10:15 am



couple MW3 Codes TPU7enu

screenie for ally name mods

4couple MW3 Codes Empty Re: couple MW3 Codes 7/6/2014, 10:23 am


Admin & Writer

Nice try! Smile

Display Ally Code As Name

Restore Profile Name

The Ally Name Changer codes are yours, however, I already made these codes a really long time ago for both MW3 and Black Ops, but it's the first person to prove they made them, such as a video or picture or released the code itself. So, the credits go to you. Wink

5couple MW3 Codes Empty Re: couple MW3 Codes 7/6/2014, 11:02 am



Alright, the first 2 are stolen but the other not (how it seems).

6couple MW3 Codes Empty Re: couple MW3 Codes 7/6/2014, 11:45 am


Admin & Writer

I removed the two stolen codes that Shadow posted in the code section. Also, you don't use 04 for String Write codes, you use 06.

7couple MW3 Codes Empty Re: couple MW3 Codes 7/6/2014, 12:49 pm


Trusted Member
Trusted Member

*cough* take host code *cough*

8couple MW3 Codes Empty Re: couple MW3 Codes 7/6/2014, 1:13 pm



TheDetonator wrote:*cough* take host code *cough*
Naw chill

shitnbitch wrote:Nice try!  Smile

Display Ally Code As Name

Restore Profile Name

The Ally Name Changer codes are yours, however, I already made these codes a really long time ago for both MW3 and Black Ops, but it's the first person to prove they made them, such as a video or picture or released the code itself. So, the credits go to you.  Wink

I don't care about credits, you can change it if you want

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