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[SM8E52] Insane Code Release! [B.M.O | Seth@WiiPlaza]

2 posters

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Credit Stealer
Credit Stealer

[SM8E52] *Non-Host | Private Matches* Lag Switch (Lags All Players) [B.M.O]
2820236A 0000XXXX
049D4D90 42000000
049D4D94 3F800000
089D4DE0 42000000
20030004 00000000
046EFD24 AA000000
046EFD28 AA000000
046EFD2C AA000000
046EC1B4 C2000000
E0000000 80008000
*Instructions: Press The Activator Then ~:
*Go into any match and pick the first default class, the one with the G36C.
*Keep shooting the G36C, it won't start lagging right away. Keep shooting it and everyone including you will lag like crazy.
*Works Host as well.
*Only works in private matches non-host, not public.

[SM8E52] Tornado Slingshot (All Players) [B.M.O]
2820236A 0000XXXX
808A1DA4 41200000
088A1D90 44000000
20092D80 00000000
088A1DBC 44000000
20092D80 00000000
048A1F88 44000000
E0000000 80008000
*Hold the activator, your hands will start flying in circles like you're in a tornado. Now to sling yourself up in the air, hold the activator and move forward while looking up.

[SM8E52] Auto Jumping *NON-HOST + HOST* [B.M.O]
067968F0 00000004
01000000 00000000
06796928 00000004
01000000 00000000
0679681C 00000004
00010000 00000000
E0000000 80008000

[SM8E52] Enter Tactical Prone *Non-Host + Host* [B.M.O]
2820236A 0000XXXX
087968F0 01000000
20500004 00000000
E0000000 80008000
*Press the activator to hold a tactical grenade and go prone. You can't get back up until you die/switch teams.

[SM8E52] Take Away All Weapons | Grenades | etc. [B.M.O]
2820236A 0000XXXX
04BC125C 00000000
04BC12B0 00000000
04BC12B4 00000000
04BC12B8 00000000
08BC13A0 00000000
20030004 00000000
E0000000 80008000

[SM8E52] Earthquake Vision / Weird Things (Only You) *NON-HOST + HOST* [B.M.O]
2820236A 0000XXXX
80000003 803FF8E0
8A00043F 006E1B40
80000003 80BF9894
8A00043F 006DC178
80000003 80BF9898
8A00043F 006DC178
E0000000 80008000

[SM8E52] [Dome] Flare Storm [B.M.O/Seth@WiiPlaza]
2820236A 0000XXXX
80000003 8098DE84
8A00043F 006DE98C
80000003 8098DE88
8A00043F 006DE9B4
80000003 806DEA00
8A00043F 006DE9B0
046DEAF0 3F800000
E0000000 80008000

[SM8E52] [Dome] Exploding Dust Bullets + Huge Fires [B.M.O/Seth@WiiPlaza]
2820236A 0000XXXX
80000003 8098DDBC
8A00043F 006DE98C
80000003 8098DDC0
8A00043F 006DE9B4
80000003 8098DDC4
8A00043F 006DE9B0
80000003 8098DDC8
8A00043F 006DE98C
80000003 8098DDCC
8A00043F 006DE9B4
80000003 8098DDD0
8A00043F 006DE9B0
80000003 8098DDD4
8A00043F 006DE9B0
80000003 8098DDD8
8A00043F 006DE9B0
80000003 8098DDDC
8A00043F 006DE9B0
046DEAF0 3F800000
E0000000 80008000

[SM8E52] Flashing Primary Ammo [B.M.O]
2820236A 0000XXXX
0479AC84 00000000
04A6BD00 41F99999
048A1C40 AA000000
048A1C44 AA000000
048A1C48 AA000000
048A1C4C AA000000
04E884A0 00000006
CC000000 00000001
0479AC84 0000000A
04A6BD00 3F499999
048A1C40 AA000000
048A1C44 AA000000
048A1C48 AA000000
048A1C4C AA000000
04E884A0 0005801F
E0000000 80008000
*Add activator.
*Activator Toggles On/Off.

[SM8E52] High Vision (Only You) *NON-HOST + HOST* [B.M.O]
2820236A 0000XXXX
04BF9894 60000000
006ECB50 0000003F
006E1B14 0000003F
046ECB58 00000000
046ECB78 00000000
046ECB7C 00000000
006ECBA8 0000003F
046ECBAC 41A00000
E0000000 80008000

[SM8E52] [Dome] Weird Map Render [B.M.O]
80000003 801427A3
8A00043F 006EBB98
E0000000 80008000

[SM8E52] Only Able To Walk In The Direction You're Looking [B.M.O]
2820236A 00008000
006EBC2C 00000000
E0000000 80008000

Video (Thanks To xBoMb3r) ~:



Admin & Writer

You post a video of it working, yet you post the codes in the Test Codes section. I think this is a case of BDRFS. Rolling Eyes


Credit Stealer
Credit Stealer

I'm not used to this site lol + It lags way too much for me. I 'm on codeleakers :p,but CL is very gay.

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