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Chrome, you had one job...

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1Chrome, you had one job... Empty Chrome, you had one job... 9/23/2014, 7:33 am



Getting more sick and tired of this piece of garbage browser.

So many issues like
- url bar and content desync especially on this forum
- certain flash videos not working
- sometimes black frames in videos
- selecting text selects way more than just the text
- restoring all tabs reloads them all and plays videos instead of just the current one
- non-store extensions can't be used
- some pages don't stop loading

and recently dropped support for the Java plugin. Java web apps won't work now, thanks. Been struggling with the installation for a few minutes now. Installed, but nothing happens. Obviously more bullshit by Fagle Neutral


Rolling Eyes

2Chrome, you had one job... Empty Re: Chrome, you had one job... 9/23/2014, 9:40 am


Mod & Writer

Fire Fox

Fire Fox

3Chrome, you had one job... Empty Re: Chrome, you had one job... 9/23/2014, 11:04 am


Admin & Writer


404 File Not Found

Google "Firefox Download" and it will show you the official page. Never download anything from untrusted sources. Also, Firefox is one of the three most used browsers, so I'm pretty sure people know where to find it.  lol


Hell, even I don't like this browser, but I still use it anyways and I have no idea why. It sucks ass! I can list at least 20 different reasons why I hate Chrome along with yours. I even have to restore the window of the browser before I get the horizontal scroll bar to appear. Sometimes it doesn't appear at all! Honestly, at times I'm better off putting a textbox, a button and a web browser on a form and code my own simple browser. It's literally 100x faster too, because you don't have multiple processes, thousands of DLLs, excessive folders on the hard drive it has to look for when doing certain tasks, etc.

4Chrome, you had one job... Empty Re: Chrome, you had one job... 9/23/2014, 2:44 pm


Trusted Member
Trusted Member

I have a 16gb hardrive and one time chrome used literally 3-4 gb and all i had open was facebook and twitter. Like the fuck?

5Chrome, you had one job... Empty Re: Chrome, you had one job... 9/23/2014, 3:14 pm


Admin & Writer

What fucking computer do you use?! I have 2,048 GB in mine. You need to upgrade your computer, man. xD Do you mean RAM?

6Chrome, you had one job... Empty Re: Chrome, you had one job... 9/23/2014, 3:40 pm


Trusted Member
Trusted Member

xD yes 16 gb ram. That would be going bback to the stonehedge times Slap

7Chrome, you had one job... Empty Re: Chrome, you had one job... 9/24/2014, 11:19 am


Mod & Writer

i found out why... when i went to copy the "real" link i missed some of the URL derp

8Chrome, you had one job... Empty Re: Chrome, you had one job... 9/24/2014, 11:41 am


Admin & Writer

You shouldn't even have to copy the link. You just click the button and it will disable it.

Chrome, you had one job... Screen33

9Chrome, you had one job... Empty Re: Chrome, you had one job... 9/24/2014, 11:45 am


Mod & Writer

shitnbitch wrote:You shouldn't even have to copy the link. You just click the button and it will disable it.

Chrome, you had one job... Screen33

? what do you mean i dint need to copy the link? i ment when i copyed the Download link

10Chrome, you had one job... Empty Re: Chrome, you had one job... 9/24/2014, 11:49 am


Admin & Writer

Shit, sorry, wrong thread. lol

11Chrome, you had one job... Empty Re: Chrome, you had one job... 9/24/2014, 11:58 am



shitnbitch wrote:Honestly, at times I'm better off putting a textbox, a button and a web browser on a form and code my own simple browser. It's literally 100x faster too, because you don't have multiple processes, thousands of DLLs, excessive folders on the hard drive it has to look for when doing certain tasks, etc.
No, it doesn't really matter. We don't live in 1990. We need as much shit as possible to enable good features and not saving resources. Performance won't be an issue in the future so these kind of software projects will dominate. Chrome plays nice on my new laptop. Not even 1% CPU consumption and 150 MB RAM from 16 GB right now. Bugs are the only real issues with programs nowadays Neutral

12Chrome, you had one job... Empty Re: Chrome, you had one job... 9/24/2014, 1:05 pm


Admin & Writer

One of the things I hate about Chrome is when say for example, you download a fairly large PDF file (30+ MB) and half way through, your connection slows down, but Google quits downloading it. You open it up and the file is missing some pieces. Fuck you, Chrome! I've been trying to download a single fucking PDF file for two fucking days now!

13Chrome, you had one job... Empty Re: Chrome, you had one job... 9/25/2014, 4:00 am



Lol, you should try another browser if Chrome is bitching. By the way, I always don't like how it detects most executable files as malicious which is bullshit. Rolling Eyes

I like if browsers try to prevent viruses and replace virus scanners but please make it work properly. Neutral

14Chrome, you had one job... Empty Re: Chrome, you had one job... 9/25/2014, 4:34 am



Half the time it's a false positive.

15Chrome, you had one job... Empty Re: Chrome, you had one job... 9/25/2014, 4:40 am



More like 95% of the time^^

16Chrome, you had one job... Empty Re: Chrome, you had one job... 9/25/2014, 4:52 am


Admin & Writer

What Bully said. Also, with the way everything is going nowadays with Internet security, you can download a trusted program from a site that's been compromised and you wouldn't even know if your computer is a part of a botnet. Hell, the program might work and look like everything is normal, but behind the program malicious scripts are running.

Read this and you'll know what I mean:

Of course, it was the site that was compromised to serve malware. The actual files weren't effected, but it's still the same concept and just goes to show what could've happened.

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