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MWR Modded Lobby Codes

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1MWR Modded Lobby Codes Empty MWR Modded Lobby Codes 10/13/2014, 9:32 am



This is something only hetoan2 knows till now how it seems. I however have a damn good guess how this could be done but never bothered to try. It may be time-saving. Wink

I probably should investigate since coding ISO mods is damn tedious. Rolling Eyes

Since this is a USB Gecko only thing, the coding can then be pasted into an ISO mod quite easily so that it can be released. This way, the USB Gecko is also put to good use. Shocked

In fact, there are still a few fun things to try in the future. geek

2MWR Modded Lobby Codes Empty Re: MWR Modded Lobby Codes 10/13/2014, 10:43 am


Admin & Writer

I know that firing rockets out of your gun is possible with codes, in fact you and Welohabi made that code for MW3 and martyrdom grenades turn into rockets was made by you. I think the other codes he used in the video are quite possible with a USB Gecko.

3MWR Modded Lobby Codes Empty Re: MWR Modded Lobby Codes 10/13/2014, 10:48 am



shitnbitch@BWH wrote:I know that firing rockets out of your gun is possible with codes, in fact you and Welohabi made that code for MW3 and martyrdom grenades turn into rockets was made by you. I think the other codes he used in the video are quite possible with a USB Gecko.
Yes. The other things or in fact everything he got are scripts which can be coded into .gsc files in .ff files in the ISO. I know the scripts, they are everywhere on other modding sites. In the RAM the texts of the scripts can be found again and custom scripts obviously can be uploaded using Gecko.NET and a file containing them. Some scripts are so basic that they can be done with codes but most can't (that easily). It's more convenient to program regularly than messing with hexes when stuff gets complicated, lol.

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