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[PS3]BO1 Modded Classes?

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1[PS3]BO1 Modded Classes? Empty [PS3]BO1 Modded Classes? 6/4/2014, 1:27 am



I've been trying to figure out a way to get modded classes in the game without having to make it Jailbreak only. Would it be possible to write a script for the classes and use it as save data?

2[PS3]BO1 Modded Classes? Empty Re: [PS3]BO1 Modded Classes? 6/4/2014, 9:04 am


Admin & Writer

I think editing save data will only allow you to edit the things in the game, but you wouldn't be able to add / delete stuff. For example, you would only be able to have certain attachments on guns. Like you wouldn't be able to use 3 attachments on a gun without using that perk which allows you to do so because the game won't allow it. You would only be able to edit what you can edit in the game, but with escalated privileges. I'm sure you already know that though. Wink Can you elaborate on writing a script(s) and using it as save data?

3[PS3]BO1 Modded Classes? Empty Re: [PS3]BO1 Modded Classes? 6/4/2014, 9:19 am



I knew that I meant taking the script from that perk like here is the script for the XP Lobby.

set playlist "0"
set category "0"
set categoryPlaylist "0"
set wagerCategory "0"
set ClanName "HoST"
set wagerCategoryPlaylist "0"
set input_targetAssist "999"
set cg_spectateThirdPerson "0"
set scr_dom_score_death "-999999999"
set scr_dom_score_suicide "-999999999"
set scr_dom_score_kill "-999999999"
set scr_dom_score_capture "-999999999"
set scr_dom_score_headshot "-999999999"
set scr_dom_score_teamkill "-999999999"
set scr_dom_score_assist "-999999999"
set party_connectTimeout 1000
set party_connectTimeout 1
set xblive_basictraining_popup "0"
set bot_friends "6"
set bot_enemies "6"
set bot_difficulty "normal"
set bot_tips "1"
set sv_botUseFriendNames "1"
set cg_playerState "0"
set customclass1 "^1CREDITS"
set customclass2 "^2TO"
set customclass3 "^3KILLR"
set customclass4 "^4GAMING"
set customclass5 "^5BIG XP"
set prestigeclass1 "^2CUSTOM 6"
set prestigeclass2 "^5CUSTOM 7"
set prestigeclass3 "^1CUSTOM 8"
set prestigeclass4 "^3CUSTOM 9"
set prestigeclass5 "^1CUSTOM 10"

I want to see if I can edit it with what the game knows. Like infection classes pretty much.

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