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Wii 60 Frames N00bleakers Code

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1Wii 60 Frames N00bleakers Code Empty Wii 60 Frames N00bleakers Code 12/10/2014, 5:37 am



So I googled random Wii but non-CoD shit and this popped up as one of the results.

When I first say it I was laughing so hard. A code to enable 60 frames gaming on MW3 Wii with a completely non-functional and retarded dvar code? Also all n00bleaker skids were thinking it's real. lmao2

Ui'm teh amazin' l33t uber haxor ad n00bstealaz makin' teh wii moar powrfull then ani develper culd du. End ui us random codetipes ui dont unterstant to bee ultra fanzy end cul. albino Ui hav 4 cod vrsions! Uil mak a 1080p cod next vor best grafics eva stupid2


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