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SC7E52 Codes not working

6 posters

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1SC7E52 Codes not working Empty SC7E52 Codes not working 12/28/2014, 1:32 pm



i use a store bought game. i bought it from wallmart. its sc7e52 i do believe, i cant find any codes to presteige or rank up my allies :/ these are the codes i use with the default setting for hooktype.

every single time i use ossleepthread it wont read the codes

Never Get Banned
* F6000001 8001807F
* 7F83E378 38A00006
* D2000004 00000003
* 3A600013 9A640005
* 3A600000 38A00006
* 60000000 00000000
* E0000000 80008000

Force Host
* F2485F88 027C0401
* 38000000 00000000

MP5K Shoots Death Machine Ammo
* C2384BAC 0000000F
* 9421FFB0 BDC10008
* A01E0118 2C00000A
* 40820008 38000593
* 2C000001 40820008
* 38000002 2C000001
* 40820008 38000002
* 2C000001 40820008
* 38000002 2C000001
* 40820008 38000002
* 2C000001 40820008
* 38000002 2C000001
* 40820008 38000002
* 2C000001 40820008
* 38000002 B9C10008
* 38210050 00000000

no migrate
* F2485070 022C0001
* 38000000 00000000

die die die
* F24EE568 FC313101
* 38000000 00000000

* F23AC180 FC76C101
* 38600000 00000000

no migrate
* F24E7F68 0290AD04
* 801C2730 3D8080A3
* 818C2AEC 7C0C0000
* 4082000C 3D808000
* 938C1680 00000000
* F259B060 022C0005
* 80193270 81793278
* 3D8080A3 818C2AEC
* 7C0C5800 4082000C
* 3D808000 900C1684
* 60000000 00000000

* F23AC180 FC76C104
* 38600001 3D808000
* 818C1680 7C0CD000
* 40820008 38600000
* 60000000 00000000

* 28200EE0 00008000
* A8000000 00000001
* 48000000 80002FFC
* DE000000 80008180
* 90010000 00002B24
* 86010000 FFFFFFFC
* CC000000 00000001
* A8000000 00000001
* 86010000 00000008
* E0000000 80008000

28200FA0 00002800
054D23C8 49742400
054D2CF8 49742400
054D2D68 01000000
054D2DD8 01000000
054D2E48 49742400
054D2EB8 49742400
054D32A8 01000000
054D3318 01000000
054D33F8 49742400
054D3468 49742400
054D34D8 49742400
054D68E8 00000000
CC000000 00000001
054D68E8 60000000
E0000000 80008000
054C2284 3F800000
054A539C 01000000
054A4AE8 01000000
054A62F8 01000000
054A6368 BF800000
054A63D8 BF800000
054A6528 7FFFFFFF
054A6598 00000000
054A6608 00000000
054A6678 00000001
054A6138 7FFFFFFF
054A6988 01000000
054A7398 7FFFFFFF
054A91C8 40200000
054ADAD8 01000000
054C59A8 3FC00000
054B6668 00000000
054C28A8 3F800000
054C2918 40C80000
054C2988 44BB8000
054C29F8 43C80000
054C0C38 01000000
04EB3BA0 00000000
04EB3BA4 00000000
04EB3BAC 00000000
04EB3BB0 00000000
054C70D8 01000000
054C6F88 5B9FDF43
054C6FF8 5B9FDF43
054C7068 00000000
054B4838 01000000
054B47C8 01000000

* F2751BDC 02D90501
* C0080014 00000000

* 201D6324 FFFFFFFA
* 0451B73C 60000000
* 48000000 80AB7528
* DE000000 90009360
* 14000194 7FFFFFFF
* E0000000 80008000

* F24EF510 FCFE8801
* 38A003E7 00000000

mega code
* F23AD63C FC250A04
* 38A00001 3D8080AB
* 818C7528 818C0140
* 7C0CD000 40820008
* 38A00000 00000000
* F23AC180 FC76C104
* 38600001 3D8080AB
* 818C7528 818C0140
* 7C0CD000 40820008
* 38600000 00000000
* F24EE0BC FC000C04
* 80100174 3D8080AB
* 818C7528 7C106000
* 40820008 38000001
* 60000000 00000000
* 201D6324 FFFFFFFA
* 0451B73C 60000000
* 48000000 80AB7528
* DE000000 90009360
* 14000194 7FFFFFFF
* E0000000 80008000
* F248C4E4 027C0301
* 38000001 00000000
* F248948C 022C0101
* 38000001 00000000
* F2485F88 027C0401
* 38000000 00000000
* F24EE568 FC313101
* 38000000 00000000
* F24DFA84 02EF6802
* 3D807F80 91830018
* C0030018 00000000
* 20A1687C 00000001
* 28208000 80008000
* 05000050 00000001
* CC000000 00000000
* 05000050 00000000
* E0000000 80008000
* 21000050 00000001
* C0000000 00000006
* 3D80933C 618C9120
* 3D400001 614A343A
* 7D60642C 7C0B5000
* 4181000C 396B00C8
* 48000008 39600100
* 7D60652C 4E800020
* E0000000 80008000
* 21000050 00000001
* C0000000 00000005
* 3D80933C 618C9117
* 896C0000 2C0B00F0
* 4182000C 396B0010
* 48000008 39600000
* 996C0000 4E800020
* E0000000 80008000
* 21000050 00000001
* C0000000 00000004
* 3D80933C 618C8D9C
* 3D40FFFF 614AFF7F
* 7D60642C 396B7FFF
* 7D60652C 4E800020
* E0000000 80008000

20B0A9E0 20323520
* 42000000 90000000
* 061604D7 0000006E
* 7D8CC10D 84201000
* FF56B115 805CE2E3
* 0AF0ADF1 2A40D9E4
* 88AB1076 11EC5E63
* 01CE7332 19162B25
* 7941E708 22D91313
* DF8AC9B3 C0125C0C
* 7E1706D3 3E34FC96
* 47C20309 4CF79E25
* BBAF3582 F974DF7B
* DB685D4A 5167C892
* 67544BD8 74664CAA
* 4EC3D84F BFFAB755
* 5D2B893C C1000000
* E0000000 80008000


2SC7E52 Codes not working Empty Re: SC7E52 Codes not working 12/28/2014, 1:59 pm



Well take out the God Modes thats step 1.

3SC7E52 Codes not working Empty Re: SC7E52 Codes not working 12/28/2014, 2:42 pm


Admin & Writer

No wonder the codes aren't working. Some of them look like they've been made incompetently by a n00bleaker. And some of them have names that make no sense at all, so it's hard to tell what the code does so we can tell if it interferes with any other codes you're using, etc. I advise you only use this site to get your codes from from now on, so we can better help you.

4SC7E52 Codes not working Empty Re: SC7E52 Codes not working 12/29/2014, 2:38 am



um guys, alot of these codes were found here and i mean ive tried just using hack codes from here on ossleepthread, doesnt work. idk why

5SC7E52 Codes not working Empty Re: SC7E52 Codes not working 12/29/2014, 2:42 am



UM CRAP lol. i was overtired and a little on the high side didnt mean to make this a topic meant to make it a reply to a topic faillol.

but yeah every time i use any code on ossleepthread gecko os says "No SD codes found" so idk lol

6SC7E52 Codes not working Empty Re: SC7E52 Codes not working 12/29/2014, 5:16 am


Admin & Writer

Then you don't have the codes / folders set up properly. What's the file path to the GCT on your SD card? Also, the reason why I said it doesn't look like you got them from here is because you renamed them, so it's hard to tell what they are and who made them. It's best to leave the code name the way it is and ESPECIALLY to leave credits on the code!

7SC7E52 Codes not working Empty Re: SC7E52 Codes not working 12/29/2014, 6:48 am



Everyone better keeps the credits on the codes or if not remember them and don't post your codes without credits. Rolling Eyes

If you think that a code name should be changed just ask the hacker to change it on his release so things make more sense to everyone.

8SC7E52 Codes not working Empty Re: SC7E52 Codes not working 12/29/2014, 7:46 am



i think its SDCARD/data/gecko/codes

9SC7E52 Codes not working Empty Re: SC7E52 Codes not working 12/29/2014, 8:33 am



Just use the code manager export to have the right path. Even a 10 year old could get this right Rolling Eyes

10SC7E52 Codes not working Empty Re: SC7E52 Codes not working 12/29/2014, 8:46 am


Moderator & Code Porter

Hacker201 wrote:i think its SDCARD/data/gecko/codes
The real way is SD/codes and your list codes must have the same ID of your game.

11SC7E52 Codes not working Empty Re: SC7E52 Codes not working 12/29/2014, 7:00 pm



meh, the hacks still work, just on a different set up, lol

12SC7E52 Codes not working Empty Re: SC7E52 Codes not working 12/29/2014, 7:52 pm

Whats weed?HAHAHA

Whats weed?HAHAHA
Program Code Creator

when i was 8 i started hacking i even figured it out xD

13SC7E52 Codes not working Empty Re: SC7E52 Codes not working 12/29/2014, 10:39 pm


Moderator & Code Porter

Your tittle topic is : SC7E52 Codes not working
and after you said :
Hacker201 wrote:meh, the hacks still work, just on a different set up, lol
So what you want ???

14SC7E52 Codes not working Empty Re: SC7E52 Codes not working 12/29/2014, 10:40 pm


Admin & Writer

ROOT\data\gecko\codes = Gecko Cheat Code Manager
ROOT\codes = Ocarina Cheat Code Manager

15SC7E52 Codes not working Empty Re: SC7E52 Codes not working 12/30/2014, 5:36 am



shitnbitch@BWH wrote:ROOT\data\gecko\codes = Gecko Cheat Code Manager
ROOT\codes = Ocarina Cheat Code Manager
Yes, but both paths are supported and work Razz

16SC7E52 Codes not working Empty Re: SC7E52 Codes not working 12/30/2014, 5:38 am


Admin & Writer

Yes, I know. I forgot to say that. lol

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