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Microsoft Word Scrolls Back to Top Page and Locks Up?

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Admin & Writer

I'm fucking pissed as fuck! angry I just literally wrote like 500+ words into a document in Microsoft Word. I pressed something on the keyboard and the page starts SLOWLY scrolling back to the top. During this "What the fuck is fucking happening?!" moment, you can't do anything to make it stop. And once it does stop, the program locks up and the only way to make it stop is to kill it in the task manager. After that is done, it let's you "recover" tyour document. "Oh, thank God. It saved all my hard work that I forgot to save." WRONG! It only saves the first two fucking words you typed. If it happens one more God damn fucking time, I won't EVER use it again!

Does anyone know how to fix this or if it's possible to auto-save every 30 seconds, instead of every 6 hours, so I don't have to start all over again from motherfucking scratch? Thanks!


Moderator & Code Porter

Sorry for this translate.

The function(office) of auto-recovery of Word can avoid you losing data by protecting regularly the document on which you work. So if your system crashes or undergoes a power failure, Word will try to get back the document not protected the next time. By default, Word backs up your documents for the restoration(catering) every 10 minutes. To reduce (or increase) this interval, unwind the menu Tools then click the Options command(order). In the tab Recording, bang(type) the wished interval (between 1 and 120 minutes) in the compartment Register(Record) the information of auto-recovery all X minutes. Click the button OK to finish



Get used to tapping the CTRL + S keyboard shortcut frequently to save the document. This works in pretty much any text editing program like Notepad++, Eclipse, Word, etc. so it's very useful.


Admin & Writer


Thanks! Smile


You know what? I actually tried doing that after it locked up, but it still didn't save. Also, I forgot to mention that I have the illegal version. Perhaps it could be some kind of DRM, I don't know. I'll try from now on to use Ctrl +S, but doing this won't fix the problem. Neutral



shitnbitch@BWH wrote:@Bully

You know what? I actually tried doing that after it locked up, but it still didn't save. Also, I forgot to mention that I have the illegal version. Perhaps it could be some kind of DRM, I don't know. I'll try from now on to use Ctrl +S, but doing this won't fix the problem.  Neutral
Before it locks up because if it does the program is stuck and won't listen to commands anymore.

Also it's not part of some copy protection, but rather Microsoft Windows or Office sucking. I'm using Office 2013 and I can't remember that it wasn't working well in that regard so it doesn't lock up ever. Maybe wait when it locks up for you? A lot of the time programs can recover.

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