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[SM8E52] EMP Effect Timer Code - What is The Address? / Code Availability

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BWH team, wondering if you happened to know the address of the EMP effect timer for MW3? Would like to adjust the timer if possible.



Mod Skid Programmer, Coder & Hacker

It is already made i think. Its the emp time modifer I don't have a gecko or a Wii so I couldn't make it none of us could besides shitnbitch what I know is the only one I know that has a gecko.. If its not what your talking about.



XxModZxX@BWH wrote:It is already made i think. Its the emp time modifer I don't have a gecko or a Wii so I couldn't make it none of us could besides shitnbitch what I know is the only one I know that has a gecko.. If its not what your talking about.

Thanks for your reply, I never seen this code I even tried searching in Google.


Admin & Writer

The address doesn't change the effects, it's the value that changes it. But to know the default value, the code creator will either put it in as a note if it's a RAM write, but not if it's Assembly (ASM) because it's code (ASM, PowerPC to be specific) that is written and not Hexadecimal, even though the code needs to be converted to Hexadecimal in order to run in Gecko. However, with C2 and F2, there are default values, but they won't be in the notes, either for two reasons: 1. They don't need to be because of the effects of the code and 2. They are most likely already made into a toggle code, so no need to. I think the game will freeze if you do something with an F2 code. I can't remember. Bully can tell you, he was the one that told me.

The address in almost every code is located at the position of 1 byte over from the first line in the first column and is a total of 3 bytes (24 bits). The address in RAM or 'memory' will have an "80" and then 3 bytes. The 80 is replaced by the codetype.

For example:


Turns to:


The address in that half finished code is 8F27A4 (see paragraph above example.) Hope you understand.  Smile

And why would you even want to know about something that doesn't even exist, from what you've told me? Doesn't make sense.  Neutral  Also, please give your topic title a better name, as is the third important reminder at the top of the site. Thanks!  Smile


I don't code on the Wii anymore with my Gecko. I told you that already.


I get what you're saying now. Rolling Eyes You want the address, so you can make the code, right?



shitnbitch@BWH wrote:I get what you're saying now.  Rolling Eyes  You want the address, so you can make the code, right?

LOL..you took the words right out of my mouth.
By the way great job on all you do here.


Mod Skid Programmer, Coder & Hacker


The code would be hard to code. You couldn't change the time of it from what he's asking. Cause you would need to call in a EMP see how long it lasts. Then look that up. You couldn't do it without a gecko. You couldn't do it from a dev unless you use "mp_emptimer" but that's invaild.


Admin & Writer

That's why he asked specifically for the address. Wink


Mod Skid Programmer, Coder & Hacker

Once we get the address we wouldn't have anything to do with it. Because the timer wouldn't stay the same.


Admin & Writer

What do you mean the timer wouldn't stay the same? It wouldn't freeze? Oh, it will freeze, but if the address changes, then you would use a pointer code. I'm guessing this will either have to be made with a pointer or ASM. Good luck getting anybody with a Gecko to make it for you though. Nobody even hacks Wii anymore, let alone plays it. It's pretty much dead.



Changing the timer is usually much harder than making it infinite or zero. There is a "No EMP Effect" code if I remember so use that.


Mod Skid Programmer, Coder & Hacker

Bully@WiiPlaza wrote:Changing the timer is usually much harder than making it infinite or zero. There is a "No EMP Effect" code if I remember so use that.
"No EMP Effect" is for grenades or if your talking about Seths? But the one you made is for granades. And that's what I said you would have to have someone let you kill them over and over. And you would have to search for Previous values over and over. Witch is hard. Not a lot of people code for Wii anymore so good luck finding some one to code this and has no life to code it. There is not Dvar for this so yea.


Admin & Writer

Is there not an option in Gecko dotNET similar to Cheat Engine, that checks what addresses an address writes to? If there is a No EMP Effect, would the address not also be writing to the address which holds the value for the time? Seems it would be feasible if there was.


I see what you mean by much harder than making it infinite or zero. Freezing the value with a bit write would make it either infinite or zero. ASM would be required to increase the timer or decrease the timer. Just the way the game is laid out in its workings of gameplay, I think it might even require a pointer for numerous reasons. Can pointer codes use ASM? If not, it probably would be hard.  :/


I've ran into that problem hacking games before, having to keep getting the same item over and over. All you have to do is find the value that changes fromm having the item and not having it. It would be a boolean. Then freeze the value, and use the item as many times as you want. I did this in MW3 for PC with a Predator Missile in a Spec Ops mission. I made the missile always available. Unfortunately, I was unable to successfuly make the same hack in Spec Ops survival.


Touching on what I said to ModZ, the waves hack we were trying to make, and has never been made yet, is so easily done on PC.

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