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Crunchyroll Suggestions

3 posters

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1Crunchyroll Suggestions Empty Crunchyroll Suggestions 6/28/2016, 6:39 am



So as my current stream of queued anime is nearing its close, I need something new to watch. I am only taking suggestions that are available on Crunchyroll. Keep in mind that I don't have premium, so shows like Toradora! are locked out for me. Also, please describe the anime as best as possible without spoilers.

In return, my own suggestions are in the spoiler below (note that I've seen more than just those):
wundr's recommended anime:


2Crunchyroll Suggestions Empty Re: Crunchyroll Suggestions 6/28/2016, 7:00 am


Admin & Writer

Checkout this that I posted yesterday.



3Crunchyroll Suggestions Empty Re: Crunchyroll Suggestions 6/28/2016, 2:17 pm



shitnbitch@BWH wrote:Checkout this that I posted yesterday.



I see how this would open up Toradora!, but unfortunately I need more than just one show. Thanks for that much, however!

4Crunchyroll Suggestions Empty Re: Crunchyroll Suggestions 6/28/2016, 2:27 pm


Admin & Writer

Checkout out this and if you can't get most of what you want to watch on Crunchyroll, then it's your choice, but I'd recommend getting Kodi with 1Channel and looking up the show. I guarantee it will be on 1Channel, they have pretty much everything. Also, I think there's a search option in 1Channel to search for specifically Anime. Wink Smile


5Crunchyroll Suggestions Empty Re: Crunchyroll Suggestions 6/29/2016, 10:46 pm



Crunchyroll is great Smile

I was looking for a frickin' downloader though since they have nice HD anime shows which I can use to make a funny edits for YouTube (no copyright infringement due to "fair use" though) Cool

6Crunchyroll Suggestions Empty Re: Crunchyroll Suggestions 6/30/2016, 9:48 am



Bully@WiiPlaza wrote:Crunchyroll is great Smile

I was looking for a frickin' downloader though since they have nice HD anime shows which I can use to make a funny edits for YouTube (no copyright infringement due to "fair use" though) Cool

I was, too, but unfortunately the best downloader is a screen recorder ;-;

7Crunchyroll Suggestions Empty Re: Crunchyroll Suggestions 6/30/2016, 9:58 am



wundrweapon wrote:
Bully@WiiPlaza wrote:Crunchyroll is great Smile

I was looking for a frickin' downloader though since they have nice HD anime shows which I can use to make a funny edits for YouTube (no copyright infringement due to "fair use" though) Cool

I was, too, but unfortunately the best downloader is a screen recorder ;-;
Yeah but that totally sucks. I've seen people do that Neutral

8Crunchyroll Suggestions Empty Re: Crunchyroll Suggestions 6/30/2016, 11:25 am


Admin & Writer

I agree with Bully. The frame rate and sometimes the audio quality is really shitty. Also, what can sometimes happen when recording is that the video quality won't be the same as the video you're recording because of different encoding and other things. I did it with a video file the other day instead of putting it into a video editor and cutting out the two ends (I was lazy). The quality outcome was only 75% as good as the video file and when I uploaded to somewhere, the video got compressed and the quality went down to around 60%. It's shitty to use a screen recorder.

I would suggest looking through the HTML source, but I do believe that that's how most if not all video downloaders get the video file. Neutral Convert2MP3 (German video and audio download site) uses a PHP file called "download.php" with a "key" and YouTube video ID as parameters affixed to the PHP file within the URL. I don't think it's possible to get the PHP file and view its source (correct me if I'm wrong), but there must be code within the PHP file that gets the video from somewhere. I don't think YouTube video pages carry the link to the video within the HTML. I could be wrong, but correct me if I am.

You could always see if the video is available online somewhere, like a Torrent site or a "watch online" site. If the latter, at least one of them should have the link to the video within the HTML. However, if these videos are exclusive to CrunchyRoll and there is no known way to download them, then I have to wonder how the videos are downloaded and uploaded to Torrent sites, just like what they do with exclusive shows on Netflix, like Orange is The New Black. Hook up a TV recorder like an Hauppauge, stream the video with awesome Internet speeds (no interruptions or lag) and then get the video that way? That's the only way I think they could do it, I'm not entirely sure.

9Crunchyroll Suggestions Empty Re: Crunchyroll Suggestions 6/30/2016, 10:48 pm



Downloading Internet videos is a bit of a mystery to me also. Most tools I find do not work. Most likely because websites change and break the tools every time. To make such a tool, strong website technology knowledge is required. For YouTube specifically there are a bunch of working downloaders including source codes available so you can study them when you a lot of time on your hands.

It's very hard to make a tool that can download videos from anywhere because websites differ so much and there might be legal issues with downloading online videos. At least you violate the terms of use of the website.

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