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All Dumps & Codes Will Be Made Available Only By Donation - August 26 2016

6 posters

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Admin & Writer

Since people either leech our shit or we upload say, dumps or programs and they don't even say thanks, I've decided that they can go fuck themselves and will have to pay through PayPal.

Only 5 dolla (5$) for all the codes and RAM dumps. Private message myself or Bully.

Last edited by SnB@BWH on 1/5/2020, 11:04 am; edited 3 times in total


Mod & Writer

This is actually a Great idea. Twisted Evil



It's alright, do it if you like to


Admin & Writer


For those that haven't seen this post yet.



what sucks is that this is the only solution. now I have to actually get a bitcoin acct....


Mod & Writer

wundrweapon wrote: have to actually get a bitcoin acct....

Its easier than you think Wink

I would say the more harder part is actually getting a ok-ish amount of bitcoin,
unless you have some decent hardware and such your not going to earn a hole lot from faucets


Admin & Writer


I'll also give people the option of paying through PayPal. I'd say for less than 1,000 views on a code, $0.50. For 1,000+ views, $1. I forgot to mention that.

In 3-4 days, you can earn enough to buy a 1,000+ views code. It would only take visiting the faucet about 5 times a day. Which isn't all that much if you think about it. If you want to mine coins instead of using a faucet, I recommend getting a Gridseed or two on Ebay.


5 Gridseeds, which are worth about $75 each (at least they were in 2014), plus all the shit you need. Too bad they only ship to Canada. But the reason why it's so dirt cheap is because the miners they have nowadays, can't keep up with the high difficulty in mining. The difficulty goes up when it gets closer to the maximum amount of coins that can be mined. Not only that, but but nobody even sells them anymore.

@Modder Kid

Mining isn't worth it anymore, unless you can get like a 50,000 GH/s miner, then you might be able to shit out about $0.25 every time a new block is found, but you'd have to pay about $1,500 just for the miner alone. So, after about 6,000 blocks have been found, you'd make your money back. And how long would that take I wonder?


Admin & Writer

The prices and other things have been updated!

Whats weed?HAHAHA

Whats weed?HAHAHA
Program Code Creator

Wowwwwwwwwwwwww its understandable but what the heck? codes have already been leeched pretty much all of them on this site and the programs to. So, you think by having people pay YOU instead of having them look at the codes and copy and pasting them? What did you accomplish when they are already leeched?


Admin & Writer

Way to come back on the site after over a year and then start bitching at us. No 'What I've been up to' or 'Hey guy's. I'm back!' post. No, you had to bitch at us. Rolling Eyes

What did we accomplish? A way for people to donate to us for our hard-earned work. You ever wonder why Bully has created so many amazing hacks, programs, etc. for the Wii U, but yet he charges people for them? It's so they don't fucking leech his shit and take credit for it, like they did with his shit on the Wii. He worked hard on those projects as if it was his second job and people like you think you can just take whatever someone else makes for your own fucking benefit. If you want what someone else has made, you either pay for it or you make it yourself.

Sure, all the codes are already leeched, because assholes like you were and still are thinking it's funny to do so, as long as you and other assholes benefit from it. At least by doing this we're making some money for our hard work.

And last but not least....


Whats Weed?HAHA2

Whats Weed?HAHA2

[quote="shitnbitch@BWH"]Way to come back on the site after over a year and then start bitching at us. No 'What I've been up to' or 'Hey guy's. I'm back!' post. No, you had to bitch at us. Rolling Eyes

What did we accomplish? A way for people to donate to us for our hard-earned work. You ever wonder why Bully has created so many amazing hacks, programs, etc. for the Wii U, but yet he charges people for them? It's so they don't fucking leech his shit and take credit for it, like they did with his shit on the Wii. He worked hard on those projects as if it was his second job and people like you think you can just take whatever someone else makes for your own fucking benefit. If you want what someone else has made, you either pay for it or you make it yourself.

Sure, all the codes are already leeched, because assholes like you were and still are thinking it's funny to do so, as long as you and other assholes benefit from it. At least by doing this we're making some money for our hard work.

Very funny because when i used codes i gave credit where credit was due i never leeched any nor did i ever think of doing that plus i wasn't bitching i was asking questions but yes, it is hard work but just wanted you to realize that they have been leeched but it's not my problem.



True Smile

But since this is the Wii, it wasn't really necessary to do it but who cares anymore.

Some people bitch at me for not releasing free stuff on Wii U now but come on, I just got so tired of letting retarded unthankful kids leech my work and often take credit for it like shitnbitch said. It's just some of the people who ruin it for everybody. Too bad you can't disrespectfully leech anymore now and protecting the makers is a good thing otherwise everybody quits like on Wii with too many code stealers and whatnot. Also seeing certain mod beggar retards struggling to get mods for months and failing miserably because nobody else likes them either can be amusing. Twisted Evil

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