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Checkout Mine and Modder~Kid's Blog - Hallucination Stories

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Admin & Writer

This is our blog where we share stories of our hallucinations and talk about the subject of hallucinations. Dreaming, hallucinating and the mind and how it works is something that interests both of us. I created this blog over a year ago and have only made about 10 posts because I have been really busy. I have gotten back into it and will be trying to make at least one post every week. However, Modder~Kid is also busy and has something called a "life, as he has told me when I try to encourage him into posting shit.

We will be posting other stuff as well, like documents and videos and such. We've mostly been sticking to just writing about our hallucinations, but I figured what the hell, why not expand and get people interested. The thing is is that hardly anyone has been viewing any of our posts. Actually, the last 3 posts we made, only 2 people have viewed them, which is kinda disappointing. It'd be nice if we could have at least 5 people come to the site every week and view our posts and at least give their opinion on them. Neutral

We're actually trying to get others to send us their stories of hallucinations or things they have read online or whatever, you know, just anything to keep the blog up and going good. If you'd actually like to be an author on our blog, comment below and we'll send you a request.

Here's the site: https://www.hallucinationstories.wordpress.com

You can also find the site on both of our profiles or on our posts on the bottom left tab of each post below our name, avatar, stats, etc. Just click on the button that looks like Earth and it will take you to our site.

If you find our site to be interesting, you can help us out by sharing it on other sites or with friends or on social media, like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Thanks for reading! Smile


Mod & Writer

shitnbitch@BWH wrote: However, Modder~Kid is also busy and has something called a "life, as he has told me when I try to encourage him into posting shit.

*slowly raises middle finger


Admin & Writer


It's fuckin' true! xD What? You gonna spank my ass because I been a bad girl? Spank me, daddy! I wanna be your lil princess. Spank me until my ass catches on fire. ^_^ xD

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