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"Wanna be friends?" - The Most Dangerous Comment on YouTube

3 posters

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This is crazy, I even got these comments and didn't realize how impressive and dangerous they actually are. This guy made such an advanced bot which can comment on nearly any video right after upload. Also interacting with him and/or subscribing can potentially allow him to hack your channel. What the fuck Neutral

It's a good thing I don't subscribe to random spammers and I didn't get screwed over.



I did not know that bots could be so dangerous, I thought that their only purpose is to only spam



Yeah, nobody expected them to be dangerous, that's what made it so effective I guess. Now he seems gone. Maybe banned, his bot broke or YouTube fixed this issue.



I do not think so bully, I do not take a photo but I swear on my life, I saw this comment on this bot, a few days ago in a video totally in Spanish it was an anime top I was watching, I could not believe it, the same profile photo he same name and everything, after a few days of reading your post here, I was like thinking what the hell?



annoying, but the fake link scams are everywhere these days and of course google doesnt care

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