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Need help to get command line console code to work

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I would like to know how to get this working I'm using dolphin emulator and idk what XXXX YYYY ZZZZ means and they don't work when put in not to mention I use CCP I wanna be able to use the console line command to give weapons and have fun can you tell me how to get it working?


Admin & Writer

That is a placeholder, it holds the place of a value, hence the name. The code should have came with a note, but if it didn't, you need to find the button activator for that game, specifc to the CCP controller, and input the button values that you would like to use, then when pressed, will trigger the code (the CMD prompt). Also, as far as I am aware... the code does nothing but show the CMD prompt, it doesn't enable cheat activation or any Dvars, etc. It's more just to show that it wasn't taken out of the game by the developers.

The placeholders wouldn't work just as placeholders, because perhaps, Dolphin doesn't have an error to give when illegal characters are in a code, telling from what you describe - it would assume that you already know how to use the cheat-enabler.

Also, wouldn't it be redundant to create a code that other codes can do, and a thousand times more at that?  Neutral Rolling Eyes

And last but certainly not least, please, next time, give your topic title a bit more eleaboration. "Command line console"...that could be about 1,000,001 different things. It helps people to find more easily help that has already been asked.



Ye sorry about that I just wonder if there's a sandbox element I can do to access any gun I want in zombies campaign ect as I wanna have fun I'll definitely elaborate more better this is my first time trying to get help kinda surprised I even got a reply but ye is there any codes to give me whatever gun I want like a gun cycler that changes my gun with a button press? I feel the home button would work for it maybe


Admin & Writer

All good. Smile Yes, there is a command code. It's on the forum, but as a code generator program that Bully made many years ago. I think the link may be down. We will wait to see what he says. Smile



Sorry, I don't reupload old programs anymore for 0 - 1 people, it's been too long. fail


Mod Skid Programmer, Coder & Hacker

Bully@WiiPlaza wrote:Sorry, I don't reupload old programs anymore for 0 - 1 people, it's been too long. fail
This program has been out for awhile. Is there any chance that we will see a upload of the source code as we saw with the Custom Class Creators for BO1 and MW3?


Admin & Writer


True enough. If only one person is going to download it, it's not worth even bothering about it.


If you know the logic behind the code (the cheat code), you could create a program yourself. Wink


Mod Skid Programmer, Coder & Hacker

SnB@BWH wrote:

If you know the logic behind the code (the cheat code), you could create a program yourself. Wink

I believe a wise man once said if it ain’t broken why fix.

I’ve also been told why make something that is already there? I believe Bully has said it to me at least once.


Admin & Writer

Yes, but you're not fixing... you're making, lol There are many different cars you can buy, different tools, different computers, different architectures of houses, etc., etc. all made by different people with different ideas and concepts in mind.

You make something that already exists to either improve or make your own rendition of. There are many software programs out there that have the exact same purpose, albeit differently or better. The world wouldn't work if we all drove the same cars, wore the same clothes, had the same job... etc. Or if we never improved anything, the world would really suck.


It was only a suggestion, my friend. Smile



XxModZxX@WiiPlaza wrote:I believe a wise man once said if it ain’t broken why fix.
Not very wise, we'd be stuck with old stuff all the time like Windows XP forever? It kind of worked so why continue from there. The Wii had somewhat good graphics. Everything else/better is pointless then. Or living in wood houses. Old Nokia phones? Also working. Who needs any modern crap. Rolling Eyes
Of course we need to improve everything all the time, that's what makes us get further. Suspect
XxModZxX@WiiPlaza wrote:This program has been out for awhile. Is there any chance that we will see a upload of the source code as we saw with the Custom Class Creators for BO1 and MW3?
Yes, that's a possibility but I'm afraid nobody cares. It's still a bit fun to fill up my GitHub with old programs. Razz

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