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Wii u hacking niggas

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1Wii u hacking niggas Empty Wii u hacking niggas 1/21/2013, 1:08 pm


Code Creator

is anyone of you niqqas gonna hack dat wii u once it get hacked?

2Wii u hacking niggas Empty Re: Wii u hacking niggas 1/21/2013, 7:46 pm



Probably or not at all.

3Wii u hacking niggas Empty Re: Wii u hacking niggas 1/22/2013, 3:28 am


Admin & Writer

Just remember that you have to be really and I mean really smart to build a piece of hardware like the USB Gecko so we can search the RAM for values and get hacks.

We might only be able to just get homebrew on the Wii U and nothing else.

IF we do make a debugger for the Wii U chances are that we'll have to learn how to use it and how to make different codes because the Wii U's ram will probably be totally different from the Wii's RAM.

It takes time to build this kind of hacking software/hardware. It took almost two years for the Wii to have homebrew and to get hacks. Who knows, it might take up to almost five or six+ years for the Wii U to get hacked and by that time no one will be using them anymore.

The Wii U probably doesn't even have any exploits like the Wii has.

4Wii u hacking niggas Empty Re: Wii u hacking niggas 1/22/2013, 3:31 am


Admin & Coder
Admin & Coder

WiiU defiantly has exploits and it has a high possibility of being hacked

5Wii u hacking niggas Empty Re: Wii u hacking niggas 1/22/2013, 3:45 am


Admin & Writer

I guess we'll just have to wait until the time comes.

6Wii u hacking niggas Empty Re: Wii u hacking niggas 1/22/2013, 3:56 am



Wrong, hacking games will not change by the slightest bit.

We´ve reached the almost highest level in game qualities and there´s no more "big change" such as 16bit to 32bit. The Wii U also has the same ASM the Wii had. There´s almost no difference from Gamecube to Wii hacking also (besides that there are some confusing things Wii games usually don´t have), but it grows a lot weirder if you attempt very old games. At least using the Wii hacking tools.

It makes no difference once you know how to hack games you can just apply it to any other.

7Wii u hacking niggas Empty Re: Wii u hacking niggas 1/22/2013, 4:16 am


Admin & Coder
Admin & Coder

mod chips will be developed for the WiiU, just like the ps3

8Wii u hacking niggas Empty Re: Wii u hacking niggas 1/22/2013, 6:53 am


Admin & Writer

I don't ever want to use a mod chip because you have to know what you're doing in order to install it properly and if you mess up with one little thing then the console will probably become obsolete.

I might actually think about buying one that comes with instructions on how to install it properly. Usually I can figure out something just by looking at it, but with this kind of stuff you have to know what you're doing.

@Bully Now that I think about it, you're right. The only other different type of cheating codes that I can think of that are different from the cheating codes on the newer consoles are the cheating codes for the NES. You can technically make your own cheating codes for the NES just by guessing random six or seven (I think) numbers and letters and by using a Game Genie.

I wonder if Datel (creators of AR) will be able to even create an Action Replay device for the Wii U. The actual hackers will probably beat them to it. Our hacks for the Wii U if we manage to make any will be better than Datel's stupid ass Action Replay. The Action Replays break to easily in my opinion.

9Wii u hacking niggas Empty Re: Wii u hacking niggas 1/22/2013, 7:38 am


Moderator & Coder
Moderator & Coder

They make solder less mod chips for most systems that are easy for n00bs, you just plug them in basically.

10Wii u hacking niggas Empty Re: Wii u hacking niggas 1/22/2013, 8:33 am


Admin & Writer

The thing that I'm wondering is: How are we going to get the ISOs from the Wii U games?

11Wii u hacking niggas Empty Re: Wii u hacking niggas 1/22/2013, 8:58 am


Moderator & Coder
Moderator & Coder

The same way they always do? Are the Wii U discs magical or something?

12Wii u hacking niggas Empty Re: Wii u hacking niggas 1/22/2013, 9:31 am


Admin & Writer

Yeah, but would you just put the Wii U games in the CD drive in the PC and make the ISO with special software then play the game on the Wii U with a mod chip?

The Wii U games probably have an encryption built into the disc so that you can't take the ISO off of it.

13Wii u hacking niggas Empty Re: Wii u hacking niggas 1/22/2013, 9:50 am



People simply find ways around it, like it used to be in the past already. Rolling Eyes
Wii games also have a copy protection, obviously. People didn´t suddenly start pirating after the Wii came it, it already was a well-known fact long time ago.

Everybody thinks the Wii has no security, but that´s dead-wrong. They only didn´t take it too seriously making it unbreakable, that´s all. That´s also what their president says.

Last edited by Bully@WiiPlaza on 1/22/2013, 9:58 am; edited 2 times in total

14Wii u hacking niggas Empty Re: Wii u hacking niggas 1/22/2013, 9:56 am


Moderator & Coder
Moderator & Coder

All video game discs have copy right protection. I follow one simple rule. Anything that can be created by a human can also be destroyed by one. Simple as that.

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