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Bo2 Revolution?

6 posters

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1Bo2 Revolution? Empty Bo2 Revolution? 2/19/2013, 12:42 am


Admin & Coder
Admin & Coder

From what I've heard, bo2 on the wii u is going to be like bo1 on the wii and not have any map packs. "Revolution" comes out for ps3abd pc February 28th but the wii u has not been mentioned as getting the maps


Nintendo fails again?

2Bo2 Revolution? Empty Re: Bo2 Revolution? 2/19/2013, 12:50 am



The developers don´t know if there will be map packs or not. No matter how often they got asked. At least that´s what they say... maybe it´s because they don´t like to admit that there won´t be dlc or that it´s a secret and they still have to figure how to realise it. It´s still a fail until now. Bo2 Revolution? 3001821558

3Bo2 Revolution? Empty Re: Bo2 Revolution? 2/19/2013, 3:09 am


Admin & Writer

That's pretty much why I don't really play or hack Black Ops anymore. The maps get so boring after awhile that not even the hacks or mods can bring the fun out of it again.

I sometimes play MW3 though because the maps are a bit more fun than Black Ops, in my opinion and because there's always new and cool codes being made by Seth, Welohabi and other people too.

4Bo2 Revolution? Empty Re: Bo2 Revolution? 2/19/2013, 3:51 am


Admin & Coder
Admin & Coder

thats one of the reasons why i didnt get another nintendo console.

5Bo2 Revolution? Empty Re: Bo2 Revolution? 2/19/2013, 6:54 pm


Faithful Member

They should get Map packs because..
Nintendo will evantually earn more money and more people will be buying WIIU Because of the dlc...
But if they dont, as you guys know... Its gonna be boring and you'll have to stick with those maps...
Sad I hope they bring the dlc soon

6Bo2 Revolution? Empty Re: Bo2 Revolution? 2/20/2013, 4:58 am


Admin & Writer

I should email Nintendo and ask them why there isn't any DLC on the Wii U, just to read what they have to say about this.

I think why they don't want any DLC on their systems is because they want to go solo and not be affiliated with other companies.

7Bo2 Revolution? Empty Re: Bo2 Revolution? 2/20/2013, 12:19 pm


Admin & Coder
Admin & Coder

Yea, that true because that's why they didn't release the Wii map packs for black ops 1

8Bo2 Revolution? Empty Re: Bo2 Revolution? 2/20/2013, 12:25 pm



There weren´t map packs for wii because the storage is too little for just one map pack alone. The memory is about 1 GB and a map pack on Xbox is 800 MB or so already. It´s not working... obviously with USB Loading and such it does but that´s homebrew and not the official way. Neutral

9Bo2 Revolution? Empty Re: Bo2 Revolution? 2/20/2013, 1:26 pm


Admin & Coder
Admin & Coder

but they prepared the game for map packs

10Bo2 Revolution? Empty Re: Bo2 Revolution? 2/20/2013, 2:41 pm


Trusted Member
Trusted Member

Maybe the wii-u is going to turn up like this.

Bo2 Revolution? Funny-pictures-noticed-this-about-my-wii-today-240x240

11Bo2 Revolution? Empty Re: Bo2 Revolution? 2/20/2013, 3:44 pm


Admin & Writer

$200 Wii emulator?! I can get an actual Wii for $50! lol I would pay $20 for a Wii U emulator though, as long as it's as good as Dolphin or better.

12Bo2 Revolution? Empty Re: Bo2 Revolution? 2/20/2013, 7:20 pm


Faithful Member

Bully@WiiPlaza wrote:There weren´t map packs for wii because the storage is too little for just one map pack alone. The memory is about 1 GB and a map pack on Xbox is 800 MB or so already. It´s not working... obviously with USB Loading and such it does but that´s homebrew and not the official way. Neutral
Oh, was wii only 1GB??? i never knew that, BUT for WiiU, they should have it... Cool

13Bo2 Revolution? Empty Re: Bo2 Revolution? 2/21/2013, 12:41 am



xSwifTeX wrote:
Bully@WiiPlaza wrote:There weren´t map packs for
wii because the storage is too little for just one map pack alone. The
memory is about 1 GB and a map pack on Xbox is 800 MB or so already.
It´s not working... obviously with USB Loading and such it does but
that´s homebrew and not the official way. Neutral
Oh, was wii only 1GB??? i never knew that, BUT for WiiU, they should have it... Cool
Wii U has up to 32GB internal memory (premium version) which is by far enough.
Seth@WiiPlaza wrote:but they prepared the game for map packs
Just like they did on Black Ops Wii. Zombies map selection with just 1 map and hidden dlc store on mp. Nothing happened, still. Cool

I´m pretty sure they won´t get around it this time. They´ll get so much hate that noone buys their next game on the Wii U, lol. Almost daily n00bs beg for information on dlc.

14Bo2 Revolution? Empty Re: Bo2 Revolution? 2/21/2013, 12:58 am


Faithful Member

I hate that there is no dlc on wii and wiiu..
And also, I hated the fact that there is no more black ops 2 on wii and had to buy wiiu to be able to play black ops 2 Sad

15Bo2 Revolution? Empty Re: Bo2 Revolution? 2/21/2013, 12:59 am



It wouldn´t work properly on Wii anyways. Most streaks would be taken out of the game and everyone starts whining about it like always. Also the hacking. But that would´ve been the fun part on a Wii release. I´m still quite happy Wii even got MW3, lol. Bo2 Revolution? 1363920492

16Bo2 Revolution? Empty Re: Bo2 Revolution? 2/21/2013, 1:22 am


Faithful Member

Haha, yeah, true... Even me, I just thought the good streaks are missing and hips of stuff are missing.,,
And the Legit players complaining about how easily it can get hacked... If you think like that, it's actually better not having black ops 2 on wii..
Also, the graphic on wiiu is just incredible now Razz

17Bo2 Revolution? Empty Re: Bo2 Revolution? 2/21/2013, 6:05 am


Modder & Code Porter

Written by David Stellmack

Still working out the kinks with Nintendo

Apparently, the Wii U version of Black Ops 2 is now confirmed to support downloadable content. While we always believed that it would, the game packaging only now confirms this is the case. One problem, however, is that Activision is apparently working out some kinks in the system for Black Ops 2 map packs and DLC season passes on the Wii U with Nintendo.

The Nuketown 2025 map that is supported to come with Black Ops 2 to those who are day one purchasers is apparently still an issue on the Wii U right now. According to what we are hearing, retailers are going to be supplying codes to Wii U buyers to allow for the download of the Nuketown 2025 map on the Wii U version.

Activision and Nintendo still have some time to work things out, as the Wii U version of Black Ops 2 does not arrive till November 30th, instead of the November 13th release for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC versions. The November 30th release is due to the fact that console will not be released till then. Still, reports are sketchy, and Activision has not officially confirmed anything yet regarding the Wii U version and the Nuketown 2025 map, so we will just have to see how this shakes out.

The best news out of all of this is that Activision and Nintendo have worked things out to get the DLC flowing, and that is a big deal if Nintendo wants to achieve its goal of attracting hardcore gamers to the Wii U platform.

The game was launched at 16,000 stores worldwide at midnight on November 13, 2012...
Nov.30th for North America...
Released in Europe, Australia on Nov. 18th

18Bo2 Revolution? Empty Re: Bo2 Revolution? 2/21/2013, 7:14 am



Thank you!
Sounds promising at least...

19Bo2 Revolution? Empty Re: Bo2 Revolution? 2/21/2013, 9:42 am


Faithful Member

Sounds like WIIU will get the dlc someday Smile

20Bo2 Revolution? Empty Re: Bo2 Revolution? 2/21/2013, 12:08 pm


Admin & Coder
Admin & Coder


21Bo2 Revolution? Empty Re: Bo2 Revolution? 2/21/2013, 7:59 pm


Faithful Member

Yeah, i know but there is a LITTLE chance Smile
Who knows man, they might get the dlc someday

22Bo2 Revolution? Empty Re: Bo2 Revolution? 2/22/2013, 1:26 am


Admin & Coder
Admin & Coder

That's what was said for the wii

23Bo2 Revolution? Empty Re: Bo2 Revolution? 2/22/2013, 1:29 am



Wii U will get it, but later. It´s taking them to figure how it can be done because Nintendo is being weird with their support for dlc content. It´s not like on the Wii because this time they try to put it and it´s easily possible.

24Bo2 Revolution? Empty Re: Bo2 Revolution? 2/24/2013, 4:25 am


Modder & Code Porter

Their is DLC for Assassins Creed 3(The Hidden Secrets Pack is now available on the eShop for $4.99, and the Battle Hardened Pack is available for $9.99) so maybe there will be BO2 DLC later:)

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