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Help with pokemon battle revolution codes.

6 posters

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Hello everyone. First, Thanks for your codes, they are son useful.

Im trying to modify moveset, stats, iv, and ev. Im trying to use this code:

P1 Set Moveset [Bully@Wiiplaza]
C23BAD18 00000006
2C000000 40820024
2C040000 4082001C
3D800VVV 618C0VVV
9183000C 3D800VVV
618C0VVV 91830010
A063000C 00000000
*VVV = Move Values*

In "VVV" values, i put the number of the choiced attack, for example: shadow ball is number attack 247, so i put 247 over one VVV.

I have more doubts, but that´s the first one.

If that doesnt result im going to try with this code:

Moveset Modifier [Bully@Wiiplaza]
48000000 80480E18
4A100000 0000++++
DE000000 90009380
12000114 00000VVV
12000116 00000VVV
12000118 00000VVV
1200011A 00000VVV
1000011C 000000XX
1000011D 000000XX
1000011E 000000XX
1000011F 000000XX
E0000000 80008000
*++++ = Pokémon Slot Values*
*VVV = Move Values*
*XX = Current AP amount converted to HEX*

But i dont know nothing about "convert to HEX"

Im really n00b on this, and sorry for my english.


Admin & Writer

I would give you the link to the converters by James0x57 or some sh*t like that, but the website isn't viewable without a web proxy of sorts.

I just did this in my head. So, I'm not 100% sure if it's the right number or not, but I think that 247 in Hexadecimal is: F7


Moderator & Coder
Moderator & Coder

kazuyin wrote:
In "VVV" values, i put the number of the choiced attack, for example: shadow ball is number attack 247, so i put 247 over one VVV.

That should work just fine. What is your question?



Moveset Modifier [Bully@Wiiplaza]
48000000 80480E18
4A100000 0000++++
DE000000 90009380
12000114 00000VVV
12000116 00000VVV
12000118 00000VVV
1200011A 00000VVV
1000011C 000000XX
1000011D 000000XX
1000011E 000000XX
1000011F 000000XX
E0000000 80008000
*++++ = Pokémon Slot Values*
*VVV = Move Values*

"*XX = Current AP amount converted to HEX*"

the last part which remain me. I dont know what to do.

Please Help!!



kazuyin wrote:Moveset Modifier [Bully@Wiiplaza]
48000000 80480E18
4A100000 0000++++
DE000000 90009380
12000114 00000VVV
12000116 00000VVV
12000118 00000VVV
1200011A 00000VVV
1000011C 000000XX
1000011D 000000XX
1000011E 000000XX
1000011F 000000XX
E0000000 80008000
*++++ = Pokémon Slot Values*
*VVV = Move Values*

"*XX = Current AP amount converted to HEX*"

the last part which remain me. I dont know what to do.

Please Help!!

Yes, I have the same question!

And what value of a Pokémon of First Slot (++++)?



°++++ Pokémon Slot Values°
0000 = 1st Team Pokémon
00BC = 2nd Team Pokémon
0178 = 3rd Team Pokémon
0274 = 4th Team Pokémon
0370 = 5th Team Pokémon
042C = 6th Team Pokémon
It´s all here:



Bully@WiiPlaza wrote:
°++++ Pokémon Slot Values°
0000 = 1st Team Pokémon
00BC = 2nd Team Pokémon
0178 = 3rd Team Pokémon
0274 = 4th Team Pokémon
0370 = 5th Team Pokémon
042C = 6th Team Pokémon
It´s all here:

Hi Bully!

I'm very grateful for this! Many thanks for this, really! You eased my life because I did not know this list.

But what happens is that when I used the codes of Movesets, my first Pokemon (Mewtwo) turned in a Bulbasaur, instead of receiving Moves.

Lol, I do not understand anything about these codes. I apologize for this, because I know how much you are trying to help me. But I'm newbie in this matter.

I will cite an example, for me to create a Mewtwo (my first Pokemon), with the first 4 moves, which I use codes?

Await for response, and many thanks!

8Help with pokemon battle revolution codes. Empty Huh Bully! 5/15/2013, 11:51 am



Huh Bully, tell me?


Expert 3D Animator
Expert 3D Animator

you just are causing me desire to play PokemonBR Evil or Very Mad



CH90 wrote:@armage
you just are causing me desire to play PokemonBR Evil or Very Mad

Haha, you like this game?

I love it! Very Happy

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