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Pokemon Battle Revolution (RPBE01) - Port PAL codes to NTSC-US

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I'm trying to figure out how to port a couple PAL codes for Battle Revolution. So far, I believe I just know what the offset is (3630), at least I think that's what it is, going by the two codes here, for Perfect DVs.

C23DE6B0 00000002
917D0010 00000000

C23DB080 00000004
3D808053 A18C56D2
2C0CZZZZ 4082000C
3980FFFC 919D0010
801D0010 00000000

To get it, I just put in the first line of the US (803DE6B0) and subtracted the first of the PAL (803DB080) and it came out as 3630.

So, since I subtracted to go from US to PAL, I'd have to add to go from PAL to US. (I think, at least.)

Here are the codes I want to port.

Moveset Modifier [Bully@Wiiplaza]
48000000 80480E18
4A100000 0000++++
DE000000 90009380
12000114 00000VVV
12000116 00000VVV
12000118 00000VVV
1200011A 00000VVV
1000011C 000000XX
1000011D 000000XX
1000011E 000000XX
1000011F 000000XX
E0000000 80008000
*++++ = Pokémon Slot Values*
*VVV = Move Values*
*XX = Current AP amount converted to HEX*

Nickname Changer [Bully@Wiiplaza]
48000000 80480E18
4A100000 0000++++
DE000000 90009380
16000134 00000014
~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~ 00000000
12000148 0000FFFF
E0000000 80008000
*++++ = Pokémon Slot Values*
*~~~~ = Nickname Values*

Symbols Marking Modifier [Bully@Wiiplaza]
48000000 80480E18
4A100000 0000++++
DE000000 90009380
100000E2 000000XX
E0000000 80008000
*++++ = Pokémon Slot Values*
*XX Symbol Values*
00 = None
FF = All

I'm not looking to cheat, or any of that nonsense. I simply don't have an NDS, so the ones I have uploaded cannot be altered. I can use the US codes to change Held Items and Level, but there are none to edit moves, the Pokemon's nickname, or to add marks.

I think one of these lines needs to be edited. Or it's just not that simple. I dunno anything about this sort of thing. But the three I want ported all have these lines in common, so I think it might be one of them.

48000000 80480E18
DE000000 90009380
E0000000 80008000

Can anyone please help me with this? I'd ask on the WiiRD forum where a lot of stuff like this is done, but the admins must have the registration setup to auto-reject. I've tried for months and never get anything but rejection.


Admin & Writer

Look at my tutorial for porting codes with HxD Hex Editor. Don't use the stupid Deltamaker or Windows Calculator for porting codes, unless you know what you're doing.

I'm actually not that bad when it comes to finding offsets between two or more addresses in Hexadecimal. Once you port a code from one region to another, you'll know the offset (if you're good at Hexadecimal) and you can save time by doing it all in your head for the rest of the codes.

But it's highly recommended that you just do it the same way as you did to port the first code because sometimes the offset of the addresses might change ever so slightly.

The six (6) last bits of the top right hand side of the codes that you want ported is the address for those types of codes. That's what you need to port. As I had just said; take a look at my tutorial. Wink

Pokemon Battle Revolution (RPBE01) - Port PAL codes to NTSC-US Simple10

Pokemon Battle Revolution (RPBE01) - Port PAL codes to NTSC-US LSTjSyDDiscord: SnB_BWH

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Hmm, I will try. But I need RAM dumps for PBR, to use HxD, right?

I can't find them with Google. I would need both the PAL and NTSC-U versions, right?

I'm not sure how big a RAM dump is, but if it's very big, I won't be able to get them. I'm on a 56k modem, with an average connection speed of 26k, and a download speed of 2k.



The codes you want to have ported are especially hard. Luckily the header is the same 3 times. I won´t port any more codes. Ram dumps are just about 20 MB to download, though...

Offsets are NOT reliable. I don´t know why everyone thinks they are... Neutral

Pokemon Battle Revolution (RPBE01) - Port PAL codes to NTSC-US YBjg74I



Well if anyone has the RAM dumps for both the PAL and US versions, and could upload them to Mediafire, I'd be willing to attempt it. It has to be Mediafire because I can resume downloading with it using Wackget. Most other places that host files don't work like that. And at 20mb it's likely to take 4-5 hours, there is no way my dialup will be stable enough to run that long to finish without a crash. And I'd hate to have to restart the download.

The marking code isn't -that- important. Honestly you should have been able to mark them from within PBR, it was stupid not to include that. I didn't have markings on them, but after I got them on PBR, I thought it'd be nice for sorting if I could put a mark to denote 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th generation.

Nickname isn't that important either, ultimately. It was just so I could rename them down the road if I wanted.

The Moveset one is the 100% must have of the three. So I can customize the Pokemon and change their moves to other moves they can legally have, in case the 4 moves I gave them originally are a bad mix. Or just to alter them down the road.



Here you go:

Pokemon Battle Revolution (RPBE01) - Port PAL codes to NTSC-US YBjg74I



Thanks, I'll get started on the downloads. Hopefully I can figure out a way to get the codes ported with that guide.


Admin & Writer

If you need any help, just private message me. Smile

Pokemon Battle Revolution (RPBE01) - Port PAL codes to NTSC-US Simple10

Pokemon Battle Revolution (RPBE01) - Port PAL codes to NTSC-US LSTjSyDDiscord: SnB_BWH

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shitnbitch wrote:If you need any help, just private message me. Smile
I suggest taking the forum so that everyone else can see and learn if they care. Message space is limited but not the forum topics. Wink

Pokemon Battle Revolution (RPBE01) - Port PAL codes to NTSC-US YBjg74I



Okay so, I'm not sure if I'm doing this right. I finally got the RAM downloaded and opened up HxD.

The tut says to take the last six to enter in Goto, I assume it means the final six in the upper right like you mentioned.

That means out of 48000000 80480E18, I want to GoTo 480E18.

I put that number in and it takes me to the area in RPBP01_dump80.bin.

Here is where the first problem comes up. At least I think so.

At the bottom of HxD it reads as follows:

Offset: 480E18
Block: 480E18-480E18
Length: 1

The two number area that is highlighted is 00, as are all of the numbers nearby, except for some FF's.

The only things other than 00 and FF within dozens of lines is the following:

Offset: 480D40
Block: 480D40-480D43
Length: 4

The numbers in question, in order, are:

So in the RPBE01_Dump80.bin, I would search for:

8041B894 - not found

offset: 47A74C-47A74D (the one closest to the 480E18, before it)
offset: 566D48-566D49 (the one closest to the 480E18, but after it)

Not sure if that is even remotely close to being right. Any ideas?

I just tried searching for "B894" and found one here:

Offset 413A62-413A63

Now the four numbers before it are 8023.

That is relatively close to the original:

8023B894 - US
8041B894 - PAL

The closest after that would be at 679346, and the full number would be: A63DB894.


Admin & Writer

I'll help you out tomorrow because I'm not on a computer right now. I'll see what I can do to make the tutorial a little more understandable.

I might make a video or two as well, but my computer's graphics accelerator isn't that good so the graphics are going to be really shitty. I'll probably make a picture slideshow video instead (if I can find the right software).

Pokemon Battle Revolution (RPBE01) - Port PAL codes to NTSC-US Simple10

Pokemon Battle Revolution (RPBE01) - Port PAL codes to NTSC-US LSTjSyDDiscord: SnB_BWH

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Don't do a video. With this dialup I could never watch it without downloading the entire thing and watching it with a media player, which would take quite a while depending on how large it was. Something small would be good.

But thanks for your help. I should be around most of the day tomorrow. (It's 10:30pm here now.)



Since it´s a pointer code, it will be the hardest to port because you can´t easily find templates like you experienced. Neutral

Pokemon Battle Revolution (RPBE01) - Port PAL codes to NTSC-US YBjg74I



Is there any progress on getting the tutorial updated? I'm not sure how to proceed with porting these codes.

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