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Any Good Gameplay Recording Devices For Wii?

4 posters

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Admin & Writer

I really want to start recording my hacked gameplay on the Wii, but all that I have is a camera and it's only really meant for taking pictures because its SD card is only 32 MB or something like that and my SD card for homebrew doesn't work with the camera.

The camera isn't actually that bad at recording videos, except it only lets me record 30 sec videos because of the size of the SD card. It doesn't really pickup sound all that well too and I don't have anywhere to place it while I'm cheating on the game.

I want to make a YouTube channel so I can upload videos and have people watch me rape n00bs online. lol

Is there any good, easy to setup/use and cheap ($10 - $50) video recording devices for the Wii (besides a Dazzle) that I can easily get at a store such as Walmart?

I can't buy absolutely anything online!

I have a Windows XP 2002 service pack 3.

Here's my driver's information:

Any Good Gameplay Recording Devices For Wii? Driver10

If anyone could give me some tips and whatnot, then that would be great. Thanks!


Faithful Member

HD PVRS are the best for recording wii gameplays but they are like expensive.... Sad
If you are trying to buy a recording device which is between 10-50, The graphic wont be that good...



I used Easy Cap. It´s cheap and decent for it´s price. My old youtube videos were recorded with it.


Admin & Coder
Admin & Coder

And I use his easycap lol



Any Good Gameplay Recording Devices For Wii? Easycap1

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