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Predator Clan fags 2nd time

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1Predator Clan fags 2nd time Empty Predator Clan fags 2nd time 3/16/2013, 6:34 am


Trusted Member
Trusted Member

I was just talking about a good impact when one of the Predator people (i think it was Matt) said he had an impact that can shoot through ANYTHING. This is for Mw3 btw. So i asked him who made it and can i have it? He said he made it and he'll give it to me for $20-$30 dollars Via PayPal. Next thing you saw.. TheDetonator has left the game

2Predator Clan fags 2nd time Empty Re: Predator Clan fags 2nd time 3/16/2013, 6:36 am



They are n00bs and retards. They don´t have any code we didn´t get. All wallbanging I´ve ever seen was "legit" and through material that can be penetrated. Noone has anything that changes it (on public, not even as host). I know because it´s not possible. Modding sites I´ve checked out state the same by the way. -.-

Predator Clan fags 2nd time YBjg74I

3Predator Clan fags 2nd time Empty Re: Predator Clan fags 2nd time 3/16/2013, 10:07 am


Trusted Member
Trusted Member

One of them told me i better not fuck with them or they'll zap my router. They said they did it before and he went to jail. Another reason i hate them is cause they treat their leader Jester or Joker (forgot his name) like hes a God.

4Predator Clan fags 2nd time Empty Re: Predator Clan fags 2nd time 3/16/2013, 4:01 pm



TheDetonator wrote:One of them told me i better not fuck with them or they'll zap my router. They said they did it before and he went to jail. Another reason i hate them is cause they treat their leader Jester or Joker (forgot his name) like hes a God.
Not possible. One of the S~t people said they were going to fry my Wii, so I UDP flooded him with a botnet.

5Predator Clan fags 2nd time Empty Re: Predator Clan fags 2nd time 3/16/2013, 4:06 pm


Admin & Coder
Admin & Coder

and im sure that didnt work ^

Predator Clan fags 2nd time Signat10

Predator Clan fags 2nd time Rsz_1r10  


6Predator Clan fags 2nd time Empty Re: Predator Clan fags 2nd time 3/16/2013, 4:08 pm



Seth@WiiPlaza wrote:and im sure that didnt work ^
You obviously know nothing about Denial of Service or botnets.

7Predator Clan fags 2nd time Empty Re: Predator Clan fags 2nd time 3/17/2013, 2:24 am


Trusted Member
Trusted Member

Botnet's most of the time cost money and im not paying sh*t. Just use a free shell booter and be happy Goo

8Predator Clan fags 2nd time Empty Re: Predator Clan fags 2nd time 3/17/2013, 6:37 am



TheDetonator wrote:Botnet's most of the time cost money and im not paying sh*t. Just use a free shell booter and be happy Goo
You can actually just infect people's computers if you do not feel like buying one. Just more riskier haha.

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