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Selling some shit

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1Selling some shit Empty Selling some shit 8/1/2013, 3:18 pm


Admin & Coder
Admin & Coder

is anyone interested in buying some old wii or gamecube games. i have some old ones and idk what to do with them

2Selling some shit Empty Re: Selling some shit 8/1/2013, 9:41 pm



Put them on ebay.
I did that and it works great.

Be sure to set starting time to Friday 8 PM (or some time where most people are online) and let it expire after like 1 week so that people have enough time to see the offer(s) and bid higher. Starting bid 1 $ has no fee but can be risky.

I sold Super Mario Galaxy for 22 € but Wii Play for 1,50 € because it was shitty. exdee!

Note that you get what people were willing to pay.
If you think it's too low too bad for you. Maybe noone else would've paid your price then.
You're not supposed to withdraw from your offer also.

Ebay charges you some fee for selling shit on their platform, it's only a few percent, I don't remember.

3Selling some shit Empty Re: Selling some shit 8/2/2013, 3:48 am


Admin & Coder
Admin & Coder

whenever i put my games on ebay they always sell for like $5.00, but gamecube games sell for like $10

4Selling some shit Empty Re: Selling some shit 8/2/2013, 4:26 am


Modder & Code Porter

Seth@WiiPlaza wrote:whenever i put my games on ebay they always sell for like $5.00, but gamecube games sell for like $10

Or u could go to this website is the best one then others like gay gamestop What a Face 


5Selling some shit Empty Re: Selling some shit 8/10/2013, 9:44 am

avenged sevenfold

avenged sevenfold

I'M BACK!!! I don't have internet. So i am going somewhere else for now until I do get internet. I had a super mario galaxy 1 game that is the rare one and I sold it for 150$. The other stuff that I sell, I sell it on crraigslis. I have made over 100$ selling useless games and accesories. The best art about craigslist is that it is free and simple to list, And they come to you to buy it. I have deealt with ebay for awhile and the fees have been going up more often. It's getting to the point that it's almost not worth listing stuff on there.I have to get caught up on whats going on. TTYL. :-)

6Selling some shit Empty Re: Selling some shit 8/11/2013, 2:01 pm


Trusted Member
Trusted Member

I just keep my old games, maybe they'll be worth more in the future xD

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