I've tried Scopalamine before and it really fucked me up! I got it through extraction from Datura seeds, which you can buy really cheap online or at Home Depot.
Also, did you know you can ferment yeast or white bread, 100% fruit juice and sugar into booze? I'll explain it later. xD
If you want to possibly kill yourself or fuck yourself up for life, go ahead and try it out. But I suggest you stay the fuck away from this shit. Take this advice from someone who experienced what it's like.
And no wonder Seth hasn't been on here in a very long-ass time; he prolly killed himself tryin' out different hallucinogenic drugs. I'm fuckin' serious as serious can be! Don't try any non-prescribed drug, unless you want to be in the loony bin for the rest of your fuckin' useless life! These street / backyard drugs will seriously fuck you up!
With some drugs, your mind might get altered in a way that you don't remember doing anything wrong or what you did in the past 5 minutes. And hell, your mind might be so altered that you don't even realize it's been altered. You might have different personalities or views and opinions on different things, etc.
Plain and simple: drugs'll fuck you up and fuck you up good!