Wii Remote Button Rapid Fire [Bully@Wiiplaza]
C2101980 00000007
3960ZZZZ 7D6C0038
7C0B6000 40A20024
8163FED0 2C0B0001
40800010 396B0001
7C0C0050 48000008
39600000 9163FED0
90030000 00000000
*ZZZZ = Button value*
Test and tell me if it works flawlessly.
C2101980 00000007
3960ZZZZ 7D6C0038
7C0B6000 40A20024
8163FED0 2C0B0001
40800010 396B0001
7C0C0050 48000008
39600000 9163FED0
90030000 00000000
*ZZZZ = Button value*
Test and tell me if it works flawlessly.