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Wii Wifi Still Up

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1Wii Wifi Still Up Empty Wii Wifi Still Up 5/20/2014, 10:28 pm



I woke up forgot to turn off my Wii when I was playing black ops and servers are still up guys

2Wii Wifi Still Up Empty Re: Wii Wifi Still Up 5/21/2014, 1:36 am


Admin & Writer

Only some games are still online. SSBB and Mario Kart Wii are offline.

3Wii Wifi Still Up Empty Re: Wii Wifi Still Up 5/21/2014, 2:01 am



Probably gonna start going offline as the day goes on, Wouldn't surprise me. Cheep morons it costs little to nothing to keep the CoD severs up.

4Wii Wifi Still Up Empty Re: Wii Wifi Still Up 5/21/2014, 9:01 am


Admin & Writer

It's May 21. I don't think the CoD servers are going down.

5Wii Wifi Still Up Empty Re: Wii Wifi Still Up 5/21/2014, 9:06 am



Shitnbitch can you help me with something

6Wii Wifi Still Up Empty Re: Wii Wifi Still Up 5/21/2014, 9:09 am



It sounds good for CoD. Who knows when they will go down, maybe a few years later? xDDD
Anyway, we weren't done hacking these games yet, were we shitnbitch?

7Wii Wifi Still Up Empty Re: Wii Wifi Still Up 5/21/2014, 9:12 am



Bully can you make non-host god mode and unlimited ammo

8Wii Wifi Still Up Empty Re: Wii Wifi Still Up 5/21/2014, 9:23 am


Admin & Writer



There's still plenty of stuff left in CoD that we can rape! xD

9Wii Wifi Still Up Empty Re: Wii Wifi Still Up 5/21/2014, 9:25 am



^ What stuff can u still rape

10Wii Wifi Still Up Empty Re: Wii Wifi Still Up 5/21/2014, 9:36 am


Admin & Writer

We need to find juicy stuff in the game and figure out how to rape it. xD Game hacking isn't just typing a bunch of letters and numbers to see if the game does something. You have to be able to tell the game what you want it to do. And sometimes even that doesn't always work out.

Also, if you need help with something, just open a new thread and I'll be glad to help. Wink

11Wii Wifi Still Up Empty Re: Wii Wifi Still Up 5/21/2014, 2:04 pm



Bully@WiiPlaza wrote:It sounds good for CoD. Who knows when they will go down, maybe a few years later? xDDD
Anyway, we weren't done hacking these games yet, were we shitnbitch?

I think the reason CoD is still up is because the servers are not run by Nintendo, but by Activision. What's leading me to believe this is the fact that during Hurricane Sandy, the Black Ops servers were down. This was also information given directly by Activision.

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