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Game Capturing Devices

6 posters

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1Game Capturing Devices Empty Game Capturing Devices 6/8/2014, 12:51 pm


Admin & Writer

Hauppage HD PVR Personal Video Recorder


Roxio Game Capture


Elgato Game Capture HD




Bully uses the Hauppage and I use the Sabrent because it's cheap and affordable and gets the job done. Also, the video test for the Sabrent in the video above is shit! It can actually go up to 480p. Most people just don't know how to use game capture devices.  Wink  If you can afford it and can make good use of it, I'd recommend the Hauppage. But if you don't have much money or for any other reason, get the Sabrent.

2Game Capturing Devices Empty Re: Game Capturing Devices 6/8/2014, 9:59 pm



Lmao, a video test with 240p!

Anyways, I've learned that the Elgato is the best due to the highest bitrate recording followed by the HD PVR. The quality can be significantly better / worse with the right / wrong settings while capturing / rendering or even the gaming console resolution. It requires some knowledge to get the best quality possible which I barely have I guess xD

3Game Capturing Devices Empty Re: Game Capturing Devices 6/9/2014, 1:10 am


Admin & Writer

Who the hell records gameplay in 240p, right?! xD I've seen some gameplays that were worse with 144p, plus the brightness and colour wasn't at the best setting either. The least I would record in is 360p.

4Game Capturing Devices Empty Re: Game Capturing Devices 6/9/2014, 6:18 am



I've been looking for something cheap myself. There was a family issue and I can't afford to get a new Dazzle. Sad

5Game Capturing Devices Empty Re: Game Capturing Devices 6/9/2014, 9:26 am


Admin & Writer

What happened to your old Dazzle? I think the Sabrent or Ezy Cap is as cheap as it gets. There are people who scam with those Ezy Caps, that's why I decided to go with the Sabrent instead. Also, you can buy a Sabrent almost anywhere! But hey, you don't need the most expensive product, just a product that works and does what it says!

6Game Capturing Devices Empty Re: Game Capturing Devices 6/9/2014, 10:00 am



I had an Easy Cap before, it was okay. Obviously only moderate quality but it's only like 10 $ compared to 180 for the Hauppauge. xD

7Game Capturing Devices Empty Re: Game Capturing Devices 7/22/2015, 1:41 am

I Am The Aki

I Am The Aki

shitnbitch@BWH wrote:Hauppage HD PVR Personal Video Recorder


Roxio Game Capture


Elgato Game Capture HD




Bully uses the Hauppage and I use the Sabrent because it's cheap and affordable and gets the job done. Also, the video test for the Sabrent in the video above is shit! It can actually go up to 480p. Most people just don't know how to use game capture devices.  Wink  If you can afford it and can make good use of it, I'd recommend the Hauppage. But if you don't have much money or for any other reason, get the Sabrent.

This one is my personal favorite.
Avermedia Live:
Has all the information you need it also has a section on the site called where to buy, and gives a list of places even Brasil!

8Game Capturing Devices Empty Re: Game Capturing Devices 7/22/2015, 5:31 am



I use the DIAMOND VC500 One Touch Video Capture. It works great however still working on getting my mic to record with it.

9Game Capturing Devices Empty Re: Game Capturing Devices 7/22/2015, 5:44 am


Trusted Member
Trusted Member

Everyone using a game capturing device while i'm recording my t.v screen with a potato..

10Game Capturing Devices Empty Re: Game Capturing Devices 7/22/2015, 6:12 am



TheDetonator wrote:Everyone using a game capturing device while i'm recording my t.v screen with a potato..
Catch up son Troll

I got my Hauppauge HD PVR in 2012 or so. Pretty long ago. It was worth it since I made many videos. Goo

11Game Capturing Devices Empty Re: Game Capturing Devices 7/22/2015, 6:30 am



TheDetonator wrote:Everyone using a game capturing device while i'm recording my t.v screen with a potato..

Yes but it's a sexy potato. ;-;

12Game Capturing Devices Empty Re: Game Capturing Devices 7/22/2015, 11:34 am


Mod & Writer

Shadow@BWH wrote:;-;

13Game Capturing Devices Empty Re: Game Capturing Devices 7/23/2015, 6:07 am



Hey hey hey hey No stealin meh spider bites ;-; I will cut you up so bad that you'll wish I didn't cut you up so bad. angry

14Game Capturing Devices Empty Re: Game Capturing Devices 7/23/2015, 1:39 pm


Mod & Writer

Shadow@BWH wrote:Hey hey hey hey No stealin meh spider bites ;-; I will cut you up so bad that you'll wish I didn't cut you up so bad. angry



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