Some dvars to try with game parties/ lobbies.
Disclaimer (for the trolls):
Some of the following may not have to do with the party, it's the results list for "party" only and therefore not further checked. Thanks.
Disclaimer (for the trolls):
Some of the following may not have to do with the party, it's the results list for "party" only and therefore not further checked. Thanks.
- Spoiler:
- 811387DC 01000000 xblive_hostingprivateparty
81139348 00000002 party_minplayers
8113938C 0000000A party_maxplayers
811393D0 00000000 party_teamsVisible
81139414 00000000 party_timer
81139458 813155D0 party_nextMapVoteStatus
8113949C 813155D0 party_alternateMapVoteStatus
811394E0 00000000 party_linearMapCycle
81139524 00000000 party_linearMapCycleRandom
81139568 813155AC party_gametype
811395AC 8130CA5C party_gamesize
811395F0 813155C4 party_mapname
81139634 8130CA5C party_mapvote_entrya_mapname
81139678 8130CA5C party_mapvote_entryb_mapname
811396BC 8130CA5C party_kickplayerquestion
81139700 81315144 party_lobbyPlayerCount
81139744 81315564 party_partyPlayerCount
81139788 01000000 party_teambased
811397CC 00000004 party_matchedPlayerCount
81139810 00000001 party_maxTeamDiff
81139854 0000003C party_minLobbyTime
81139898 0172BEE8 party_playervisible
811398DC 0172BEE8 party_IsLocalClientSelected
81139920 00000000 party_selectedIndex
81139964 00000000 party_selectedIndexChangedTime
811399A8 00000000 party_firstSubpartyIndex
811399EC 0000000A party_maxPrivatePartyPlayers
81139A30 00000000 party_membersMissingMapPack
81139A74 81315624 party_statusString
81139AB8 01000000 party_followPartyHostOutOfGames
81139AFC 000004B0 partymigrate_selectiontime
81139B40 000000C8 partymigrate_broadcast_interval
81139B84 00001F40 partymigrate_timeout
81139BC8 00003A98 partymigrate_timeoutmax
81139C0C 000007D0 partymigrate_makeHostTimeout
811410EC FFCC66FF cg_scoreboardMyPartyColor
811452CC FFCC66FF cg_TeamColor_MyParty
81145464 0073B3FF cg_ColorBlind_MyParty
811487EC FFCC66FF ui_playerPartyColor
81148874 F0C45280 ui_inactivePartyColor
811488B8 FFCC66FF ui_myPartyColor
811488FC C7C7C7FF lobby_searchingPartyColor
81148940 00000000 ui_partyFull
811495BC 813129FC partyChatDisallowed
81149DF8 E6B34DFFa g_ScoresColor_MyParty