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My impact codes for mw3 wii

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1My impact codes for mw3 wii Empty My impact codes for mw3 wii 9/22/2014, 10:09 am


Super Skid

Code's Removed All Have Been Found and Posted Everywhere WiiGang Clan = Credit Stealers #SuperSkids

2My impact codes for mw3 wii Empty Re: My impact codes for mw3 wii 9/22/2014, 10:54 am


Admin & Writer

Brain-dead retarded faggot! Rolling Eyes

Stolen codes.
Seven codes that do the same thing and have the same addresses, both in the codes and in each code itself.
09 code would be the same as 04, because you're telling the code to skip only once, which means two addresses. 08 is used to shorten a code when you have too many lines and you can skip to each address equally each time. Again, this shows that you can't understand anything.
05708FF0 is near the end of the RAM, which is most likely just a null value. Shows you can't even code from a fucking RAM dump, which is fucking pathetic!

Need another 10,000 reasons why you're brain-dead retarded?

Also, what the fucking hell is this:

05144778 4479C000
04144778 461C3F9A
05144778 497423F0
04144778 44160000
05144778 7F800000

Repeated bullshit with the same repeated addresses in this piece of shit and the other pieces of shit with different values for each address.

What the fucking hell is wrong with you?! That's not lack of knowledge! That's not n00b! That's... I don't know what the fuck it is, but it needs to go back to where it fucking came from!

3My impact codes for mw3 wii Empty Re: My impact codes for mw3 wii 9/22/2014, 10:58 am


Super Skid

lol u can go fuck ur self becouse ur a fuck bitch ass oneabe bully fagot Laughing

4My impact codes for mw3 wii Empty Re: My impact codes for mw3 wii 9/22/2014, 11:04 am


Admin & Writer

At least I have a brain that functions properly and is able to learn and understand things. exdee!

5My impact codes for mw3 wii Empty Re: My impact codes for mw3 wii 9/22/2014, 11:06 am


Super Skid

at least my code fucking work faggot silent silent silent silent silent silent silent silent blowup blowup

6My impact codes for mw3 wii Empty Re: My impact codes for mw3 wii 9/22/2014, 11:13 am


Admin & Writer

lmao I can just look at "your" codes and tell if they'll work or not. You could do the same if only you had the ability to learn. Anyways, I've diagnosed you with BDRFS (Brain-Dead Retarded Faggot Syndrome). To keep this forum in control, you've been banned for 30 days. exdee!

7My impact codes for mw3 wii Empty Re: My impact codes for mw3 wii 9/22/2014, 6:11 pm


Code Creator



8My impact codes for mw3 wii Empty Re: My impact codes for mw3 wii 9/22/2014, 9:42 pm



shitnbitch wrote:Anyways, I've diagnosed you with BDRFS (Brain-Dead Retarded Faggot Syndrome).
Kudos to professor shitnbitch for finding this incredibly common illness and give it a scientifically recognized name. yay

9My impact codes for mw3 wii Empty Re: My impact codes for mw3 wii 9/22/2014, 11:11 pm



Lol I love how people still try to steal credit for these or any code really by messing with the addresses and thinking its theres xD.

10My impact codes for mw3 wii Empty Re: My impact codes for mw3 wii 9/23/2014, 3:27 am


Mod & Writer

Thanks to Shitnbitch for keeping the forms clean and Skid free! thumbsup

11My impact codes for mw3 wii Empty Re: My impact codes for mw3 wii 9/23/2014, 3:34 am


Admin & Writer

Here's their site. Looks ugly and shitty as fuck!


Hey, gis! Ook ot ah mah coo odes. I'm so weet! Bis hakah evah! --That's how I imagine they sound when they're talking about coding. xD

12My impact codes for mw3 wii Empty Re: My impact codes for mw3 wii 9/23/2014, 3:37 am


Mod & Writer

i like how it says "you must hacker in order to join" Razz

13My impact codes for mw3 wii Empty Re: My impact codes for mw3 wii 9/23/2014, 3:42 am


Admin & Writer

They don't even know how to use proper grammar. That's pathetic! Stupid brain-dead retards....

14My impact codes for mw3 wii Empty Re: My impact codes for mw3 wii 10/24/2014, 6:49 pm



Only 6 Members! FAILLLLl!!!

15My impact codes for mw3 wii Empty Re: My impact codes for mw3 wii 11/24/2014, 3:40 pm



All HIS "Impact Codes". You can just tell these are all WRONG! Slap



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