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Wikplayer Code Generator - Customize Website Music Player

3 posters

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This program reads the playlist from a text file called "playlist.txt" (exactly that, do NOT rename it) and fetches the HTML website code from the Tumblr Music Player website. Note that you need to download and place PhantomJS in the same directory as the .jar file as well. It has to keep its default name "phantomjs.exe" in order to be found by my program.

The songs in the text file need to be put the following:
Song title, youtube link, blank line, song title #2, youtube link #2, blank line and so on.

The file included in the download contains exactly what this website currently uses for its playlist as examples of how to add songs. *Secret forum player revealed* Smile

After launching the program be PATIENT until a message box comes up. It will not show the browser or anything during processing. On success the generated code will have been copied to the clipboard.



Admin & Writer

Have you made enough programs yet? xD



shitnbitch@BWH wrote:Have you made enough programs yet?  xD
Never. Cool

But honestly, I was holding back some programs from release and now that I got a new hoster to mess with and a super-fast upload rate at University (to abuse xD) I decided to release more shit. Smile

There are still like 1 - 2 programs which are close to be released but I don't feel like finishing them completely and I don't have that much time to "waste" right now.

4Wikplayer Code Generator - Customize Website Music Player Empty not working for me 1/8/2015, 8:10 am


Mod & Writer

Ok well iv downloaded the program and i updated the song list with the song URL and names that i was wanting to add and iv also downloaded PhantomJS but when i go to open the Program, after about a 10-50 sec of waiting i get the "Complete" Popup box, but when i come on here the song list/ clip board is Not updated?


Admin & Writer

lol That's because you have to give him the code it generates, so he can edit the HTML / JavaScript or whatever the hell it is on this site via the admin panel. Unfortunately, the program doesn't work the way you might have thought it does.


Mod & Writer

Well lol  now i feel like a Idiot Razz   im not 100% shere why i thought that    but in that case i Still have a prob  its not copyed to my clipbord.


Mod & Writer

Never mind its working like Wonders now Smile



Modder~Kid wrote:Never mind its working like Wonders now   Smile
Good Twisted Evil

Now you can make your own list and paste the generated code here. Smile

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