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YouTube Issues/ Bugs

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1YouTube Issues/ Bugs Empty YouTube Issues/ Bugs 12/30/2014, 8:37 am



We all probably got to know and love the broken YouTube system of dealing with flagged videos or in deciding what they might do with your account.

Recently my account recovered to being in "good standing" because 6 months have passed after my last strike yet YouTube won't return back the privileges they've taken from me that day even though that's what they said would happen in their help center.

I send them a feedback about this and still nothing. Wink

Their help forum which is managed by the community and not official Google members is full of people complaing about this same issue I'm currently having for months or even years. Nothing has been fixed and no definite answer has ever been given. lmao

Typical CorruptTube, not working properly and doing what they want without making sense. Users can never help improving the site, can they?

If they just had a serious competitor I'd be way off their shitty site but no, gotta take the US government's bullcrap if I want to use a decent video uploading site with a community. Smile

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