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What Are Your Thoughts On The Rainbow Faggots On Facebook?

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Admin & Writer

Lately, I've been seeing almost everyone on Facebook have a transparent rainbow over their profile pictures. I had to do some Googling and I found out it's because Obama legalized fag marriage in the states. All the faggots are going crazy because they can now get married legally. Rolling Eyes

This is just fucking outright retarded, wrong and utterly disgusting! People are getting more fucked in the head nowadays than ever before! I had to ban like 30% of my friends on my friends list because I don't want to be looked at as someone who supports faggots because I have friends who are faggots. No sir, fuck that shit straight to hell!

By the way, if you comment saying you support faggots or are a faggot yourself, then I have something special in store for you. Wink

So, what are your thoughts on this?


Trusted Member
Trusted Member

Ya ever since gay marriage got legalized, i been seeing fucking rainbows everywhere. Like fuck off, you don't see me going around telling everyone i'm straight. Now i'm a christian and i do belive marriage is between a man and a women, but then again i think that gay people are just born gay? So i don't think they can help it. Now imagine what's gonna happen when pot is legalized one day xD.



Yeah, this is all bullshit. Fuck all the people who think that all morally wrong or socially unaccepted things are suddenly just fine in our culture. Soon everyone does what he wants and nobody will say anything.

Even gamers are trying to get rid of their bad reputation by calling themselves "athletes" because they compete in so-called "eSports". Nice try disguising your social degenerate status but you're still a loser sitting at home playing no-skill video games instead of hanging out with friends outside. This is as far as it gets from sportive activities. lmao2


Trusted Member
Trusted Member

Did you know that Robert Morris University offers league of legends as a varsity sport. Like what the actual fuck, it's really hard to play sports as you have to train to be good at them and now you're offering video games as a sport? I played basketball as a kid and because of this i made teams that pick certain players from the whole city. I can learn to play a video game in less then, what a week? And i can be a pro at it after a couple of months. I guess every single kid in the united states is a professional athlete.

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