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Pokemon Battle Revolution [RBPE01] - Movesets, Colosseum Battle Style, Colosseum Rules, ect.

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So, this guy has found a code that is not supplied in the official database.

Moveset Modifier [Bully@Wiiplaza]
48000000 80480E18
4A100000 0000++++
DE000000 90009380
12000114 00000VVV
12000116 00000VVV
12000118 00000VVV
1200011A 00000VVV
1000011C 000000XX
1000011D 000000XX
1000011E 000000XX
1000011F 000000XX
E0000000 80008000
*++++ = Pokémon Slot Values*
*VVV = Move Values*
*XX = Current AP amount converted to HEX*

Read more: http://www.bullywiihacks.com/t2016-help-with-pokemon-battle-revolution-codes#ixzz3sRtKjUAE

The thread is old, so the code may have been deleted due to problems, or may have been changed or altered.

The first code he found I use, and only modifies the first sent out active pokemon in double battles.

However, with the previous code I supplied, you can edit any pokemon in the team party's moves. However, as he reported, it turned his mewtwo into a bulbasaur (a similar situation was seen when cheating movesets in pokemon colosseum. Perhaps it was purposely programmed, perhaps a bad egg?)

There was a link to some additional cheats on pastebin, but it's removed now:


Any light on this subject/dilemma?

Also, I am looking for the actual battle style hex values and rules/default rules hex values that goes into these slots:

Colosseum Modifier [Bully@Wiiplaza]
081302AC 38000@@@
200A0010 00000000
**@@@ = Colosseum Values*
$Battle Style Modifier [Bully@Wiiplaza]
C2129D94 00000002
60000000 00000000
**T = Battle Style Values*
$Default Battle Style Modifier [Bully@Wiiplaza]
0411DC04 3B40000T
**T = Battle Style Values*
$Rules Modifier [Bully@Wiiplaza]
C2129EC8 00000002
3800R000 B0030004
80030004 00000000
**R = Rules Values*
$Default Rules Modifier [Bully@Wiiplaza]
0411DD8C 3C00R000
**R = Rules Values*

I love messing with this game, since there is no online anymore.

Bully, you have made some awesome codes! If I can just request a few things from you (however, as far as I know from cheating, it may take some time), I will highly appreciate it!

I'm looking for a code that can change the pokemon's attributes in the storage boxes, and the attributes I want to change are:

Number Of boxes
Pokemon Appearance Code & Values (The values will probably be in the order that the national pokedex has it)
Pokemon Gender Code & Values
Pokemon Name (Very Optional)
Pokemon EVs
Pokemon IVs/DVs
Pokemon Moveset
Pokemon Held Item

Also, a code to modify some natural pokemon traits for the fun of it (like we saw in XD/Colosseum):

Pokemon Type (Type 1/Type 2)
Pokemon Ability (Ability 1/Ability 2)
Pokemon Base Stats (I don't think the current code can change every pokemon's base stats, but I could be wrong)
Pokemon Cry

And finally, changing the moveset's actual functions and powers (As seen in Colosseum/XD)

Value 1 = Move ID
Value 2 = Move Base Power
Value 3 = Move Base Accuracy
Value 4 = Move Secondary Effect
Value 5 = Move Secondary Effect Chance
Value 6 = Move Max PP
Value 7-? = ect, anything else you can think of. You can access the pokemon colosseum/xd codes on gc-forever to find out more:


Sorry, this is a lot. I believe that if most of these are solved and put up for public use, people like me would find this game a whole lot more interesting to tweak and twerk with!



I'm no longer making codes for this game. Also, if codes are gone then there's a good reason for it.



Bully@WiiPlaza wrote:I'm no longer making codes for this game. Also, if codes are gone then there's a good reason for it.

Well, now I'm left in the dark... do you know exactly how you found the other codes? Perhaps if you teach me, I can do this myself...

I have looked at tutorials, but I am still puzzled by how to find a certain value.

For example, how do I find an unknown value of a moveset in a pokemon box if it never changes? Some codes are like that... they never change. And other codes change constantly, while others change on occasion based on input, animation, etc.

Any insight, Bully?



Maybe try using Google or Youtube because thats how i learnt to create some codes from RAM Dumps! Google Google Google Google



Aurora wrote:For example, how do I find an unknown value of a moveset in a pokemon box if it never changes? Some codes are like that... they never change. And other codes change constantly, while others change on occasion based on input, animation, etc.

Any insight, Bully?
You need to find work-arounds Razz

I found the moveset values during a battle since I could waste AP and find the address of AP. Close to it there were the move type addresses so I toyed with them a bit and managed to change my moves.

Obviously, the Pokémon storage uses the same moveset values so I searched for them in the memory and soon found the storage data addresses of that Pokémon. It's confusing to code for though, I didn't fully succeed at this. Good luck Wink

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