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Help creating texture hack codes?

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Is there any known way to change which texture is loaded from a pallette file?

i.e If I were to have the following texture file, would it be possible to change which icon is loaded (e.g. green heart instead of red heart) in a specific in-game menu?  (i.e. load texture #3 instead of texture #1 from the bitmap at a specific instance)

Normally I would just do the texture modification and use Dolphin's Load Custom Textures option, but that would mess up other instances in-game where the red heart actually should be displayed.

Help creating texture hack codes? Anwl_icontpl_red2greenheart

The game is Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life if that helps.

Any help at all would be appreciated, I'm just unsure of where I should even start looking.

I saw that Bully had made a code previously for Mario Kart Wii called "Battle Texture Hacks" and I'm curious if a similar method could be used here.

Last edited by SnB@BWH on 2/9/2020, 3:36 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Fixing Italics. Noted reference to old MKW Texture Hack)


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Moved to Game Hacking Help. This is a question, not a tutorial.

Ths is (somewhat) very easy to do on NES. I've done it many times before. However, I do believe it would be somewhat equally possible to accomplish on GameCube / Wii. Since this game is for GameCube, I could help you, as I have all the ISO's. I'll post back here once, and if, I find something.


You know what?! Fuck this dirty whore, cocksucking, motherfucking piece of fucking shit game! 15 minutes into the game, and that little cockmuncher, whatever the fuck his name is, kept introducing me to his fucking pets and his fucking friends. Motherfucker... I don't care to know your fucking friends. They're a bunch of poor, dirty fucking pieces of shit just as much as you are. I don't care who the fuck your friends are, they're nobodies to me. Now, shut the fuck up, and let me play the fucking game. I wouldn't have waited hours on end to download this piece of fucking shit game, if I knew you'd waste my fucking time showing me around your farm. Yeah, your farm is cool, ya fucking redneck hillbilly, wife-beating piece of shit. Ya fackin' yapper! SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! angry shoot



SnB@BWH wrote:You know what?! Fuck this dirty whore, cocksucking, motherfucking piece of fucking shit game! 15 minutes into the game, and that little cockmuncher, whatever the fuck his name is, kept introducing me to his fucking pets and his fucking friends. Motherfucker... I don't care to know your fucking friends. They're a bunch of poor, dirty fucking pieces of shit just as much as you are. I don't care who the fuck your friends are, they're nobodies to me. Now, shut the fuck up, and let me play the fucking game. I wouldn't have waited hours on end to download this piece of fucking shit game, if I knew you'd waste my fucking time showing me around your farm. Yeah, your farm is cool, ya fucking redneck hillbilly, wife-beating piece of shit. Ya fackin' yapper! SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!  angry shoot
Yep, and this game is meant to calm you down with animals and stuff Twisted Evil


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Probably when the guy finally fucking stops being an annoying prick, he says, "Alright, hunny, I just showed the young boy around the farm. Hyuk hyuk hyuk. stupid2 Drove him fucking nuts. Now, where's that sheep I was going to fuck? Mama... Mama... What's for dinner?" And she says, "Now, son, y'all were supposed to slaughter that little boy. Oh, fuck, here comes a new player! Don't annoy him this time, son, just fucking slaughter him. *Slice!* ... Kids, dinner!" I call the eyeballs! I got dibs on the brain and mouth... And what a purrrtehhhh mouth it is, hyuk hyuk. ulol Mama, I want the bum hole this time. "Too bad, John Boy, Jim Bob already called the bum hole." Aww... Shucks, the bum hole is the best part. It stanks, but it sure is good eatin'... And fuckin'! Very Happy Mmm hmm... French fried pataters. Now, kids, what does mama always say about the bum hole? A little bit of necrophiliac don't hurt nobody. Smile That's right, my kiddies. He he... he. Twisted Evil

Fuck, could you imagine if you hacked the game and you found an unused level where that happens. Troll

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