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Wii Play: Motion [SC8A01] [SC8P01] [SC8E01] Dolphin Park Infinite Time

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Normally I can only play Dolphin Park for 90 seconds. I was using this game as a relaxing experience but the 90-second timer makes me want to wait between the next 2 title screen games! The Reset Timer code didn't help at all. Bully (or someone else), Please make a code for this specific game so that I can run the dolphin experience forever without interrupting back to the title screen in times.


Admin & Writer

I'm not absoltely sure, but when Bully added in hi notes to use B+1 as a button activator, that's the button activator you are supposed to use. Perhaps, the code can only be activated by using those 2 button due to the way the code is written.

>28001500 YYYYZZZZ
>28001500 00000600

Take a look at this:

Reset Timer [Bully@Wiiplaza]
28001500 YYYYZZZZ
F6000001 80208100
881E0034 2C000000
D2000020 00000005
3D608000 A16B1500
2C0B0600 40820010
3D800000 618C0000
919E003C C01E003C
60000000 00000000
E0000000 80008000
*Press B+1 to reset timer back to 0:00*

That's why you have to use B+1 as button activator, only.

Wii Play: Motion [SC8A01] [SC8P01] [SC8E01] Dolphin Park Infinite Time Simple10

Wii Play: Motion [SC8A01] [SC8P01] [SC8E01] Dolphin Park Infinite Time LSTjSyDDiscord: SnB_BWH

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SnB@BWH wrote:I'm not absoltely sure, but when Bully added in hi notes to use B+1 as a button activator, that's the button activator you are supposed to use. Perhaps, the code can only be activated by using those 2 button due to the way the code is written.

>28001500 YYYYZZZZ
>28001500 00000600

Take a look at this:

Reset Timer [Bully@Wiiplaza]
28001500 YYYYZZZZ
F6000001 80208100
881E0034 2C000000
D2000020 00000005
3D608000 A16B1500
2C0B0600 40820010
3D800000 618C0000
919E003C C01E003C
60000000 00000000
E0000000 80008000
*Press B+1 to reset timer back to 0:00*

That's why you have to use B+1 as button activator, only.
Like I said first, Reset Timer button code did not work with Dolphin Park. Thus a new separate code must be made.


Admin & Writer

OK, I was only stating. Rolling Eyes Sometimes we get complete fucking n00bs on this site that don't know how to work button activators or simple things like that. You don't seem to me to be one of those people; you know what you're doing, so I'm going to suggest to you to make it yourself, because good luck getting someone to make a code for you on Wii. The Wii is completely dead, and unless you have a USB Gecko, which very few people still own, the chances of your request being fulfilled are slim to none.

More people code the NES still, myself being one of those people, a 40 year old console than the Wii, because the Wii has hacking resources limitations. Use Dolphin with Dolphin Memory Engine and a copy of the ISO to make the code yourself.

You know it's 60 seconds, so just use the scanner to countdown evey second or up every second from 0 / 1, depending on how the game calculates the timer. Then make the code with the address found. The average asshole out walking on the street could make a 04 code if they looked at one to see how it works.

Wii Play: Motion [SC8A01] [SC8P01] [SC8E01] Dolphin Park Infinite Time Simple10

Wii Play: Motion [SC8A01] [SC8P01] [SC8E01] Dolphin Park Infinite Time LSTjSyDDiscord: SnB_BWH

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OK, I've done it! I used Dolphin Emulator (because Dolphin-ception, get it?) with its cheat finder to simply memory search for that timer address that counts down, generated it and now set value to noop.

Created for SC8E01 (U.S.) only. Unsure that it is compatible with other regions.
Infinite Time (Dolphin Park)
20273E78 00000001
I'll test on my real Wii, hope this works for you.

Last edited by DevanWolf on 6/18/2024, 5:22 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Value set is -1 instead of 1610612736)

Bully@WiiPlaza likes this post



Great to hear you made it and sorry that we aren't active anymore like in the old days Smile

Wii Play: Motion [SC8A01] [SC8P01] [SC8E01] Dolphin Park Infinite Time YBjg74I



Just an update, I have managed to purpose the time limit variable as the dolphin's air meter, so here's the new code I made:
Enable Dolphin Breath Mechanic (Dolphin Park)
20273E78 00000001
20275024 00000000
057B3ABC 00008CA0
How it works is that when the player dolphin is underwater the air meter (not displayed) depletes normally, and when on surface (also jumping out of water) replenishes to 100% (10 minutes which is the equivalent to a real dolphin's breath-holding time). Without the code the player dolphin is unable to breathe air (always holds breath for 90 seconds regardless if out of water), so I made this code to solve the problem.
When Dolphin Park is loaded, the player dolphin spawns underwater at 15% air remaining meaning that you have 90 seconds to get to the surface or else the player dolphin drowns (as in automatically returns to the title screen).

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