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Follow me on my new social media profiles

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So I figured why not setup a few more social media profiles and use a service for sharing all links at once (Linktree):

Also this stops kids from further stealing my nickname on various websites Suspect

Thanks for following me on these other platforms Smile

Last edited by Bully@WiiPlaza on 6/13/2021, 6:57 pm; edited 1 time in total


Admin & Writer

Holy fuck! You have a lot of social media programs you use,  lol  I don't even use one of them. I don't know if you can call this forum "social media" or not, but it's the only thing I use for posting stuff and whatnot, similar to a social media program, I guess.

My two cents about social media:

I abhorr anything social media-wise. I just can not stand it, the people on there, the crap that people post on it... Social media is no longer what it was meant to be. And when it comes to Facebook and Twitter... It's all these kids on there... Oh, got to take a picture of myself, I have to show the whole world what I cooked for dinner, oh, my baby daddy this or my friend or this guy on the street that. It's like holy fuck, you fucking dirty lil dumb bratty bitch fucking cunts... SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!

I will NEVER use social media EVER again. Also, after having not used social media for the past several months... I feel so stress-free. I literally feel... Like a part of my life that was taken away was now given back to me after I clicked on "delete account".



Haha, I know. I just needed to catch up a bit with the "cool guys". I'm not big into Facebook type of social media either. Just giving people a few more ways to find my content or to get the word out there. TikTok is also kind of fun, you are forced to upload videos with 1 minute or less and they have many cool filters/video effects. Sadly it's mainly a phone app and editing is therefore tedious.

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