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How Do I Protect Myself Against Account Hopping?

2 posters

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I need support. What is the safest way against hopers?


Admin & Writer

Don't they need to be your friends in order to account hop you? I thought that's how it worked. Don't add anybody as a friend, unless you can absolutely trust them. Also, please write a better topic title next time. When you just say, "Help!" We don't know if you're needing support with a Wii coding / gaming issue, are being robbed, or you're having a fucking heart attack or being gangbang raped by a bunch of BBC's. So, please... For the sake of our proper understanding, please add thoughtful, clearly understandable topic titles from now. Smile



Ok Master. I'll keep it in mind. So if the hoper isn't on my list of allies, he can't do anything to me?


Admin & Writer

I think so, I'm not sure. Try it out, and see. And I'm far from being a master, but thanks for the kind compliment, lol Smile



4everm3 wrote:Ok Master. I'll keep it in mind. So if the hoper isn't on my list of allies, he can't do anything to me?
No, it's not enough, you also need an anti hop code which hides your xuid. People can grab your xuid from the lobby as well and other places.

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