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Gecko Cheat Codes Loader Options

UCmoon -RIP-
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First topic message reminder :

Neogamma, Cfg USB Loader and Gecko OS are the best loaders to use.

Loader Options For "GCT File" Cheaters
Hooktype: Ossleepthread
SD Cheats: ON
Ocarina: ON
Debugger: OFF
WiiRd: OFF

Loader Options For "Code Creators"
Hooktype: Ossleepthread/VBI
SD Cheats: OFF
Ocarina: ON
Debugger: ON
WiiRd: ON

If Ossleepthread isn´t running smoothly, coders may choose "VBI" hook type. If coders want to use SD Cheats, they may turn that option ON.

"GCT File" Cheaters aren´t supposed to change ANY of the above ^ listed options.

Hope everyone got it...

Bully! pirate

Last edited by Bully@WiiPlaza on 6/28/2013, 12:44 am; edited 7 times in total


Code Creator

Download it and open it. That's it.
If you want to use it online, you must put this file in the folder at the SD Card: Download
Password: )miß1@mo‘cö



Moderator & Coder
Moderator & Coder

Zant@Italy wrote:I've downloaded it, and now?

You don't know how to install drivers? Download Teamviewer 7 and send me your id & pass in a PM. When I get some time I will walk you through the process.

Please help me earn some extra Dropbox & MediaFire space. https://db.tt/2H7prurb2d www.mediafire.com/?renl53g

The energy you give, you shall receive.



Ok, now I' ve Gecko.Net and the drivers (How I can install it?), What do I do now?

PS: which folder should I put the file gameconfig.txt?

Keep Calm and Gangnam Style



Code Creator

In the root, so in the SD Card, not in a folder. You need not install the drivers, you can copy it and put it into the Gecko.net folder for sureness, but normal it isn't needed.




Ok, but now I've other 2 problems >.<
1. If I will start with usb loader gx v3.0 any call of duty game (I've tested with black ops and mw3), the game does not go beyond the initial loading...
2. I started my tests with usb gecko on Conduit 2, but I do not know why, although I have closely followed the video tutorial on the forum wiird, my codes do not work ... The values ​​I find them, but when I click on'' poke'' I do not see any change ...

Thank you for your support and helping bow

Keep Calm and Gangnam Style




Nobody can help me? Sad

Keep Calm and Gangnam Style




This topic is about setting the options up properly and not about codes not doing what they should.

Gecko Cheat Codes Loader Options - Page 2 YBjg74I


Code Creator

Then you have search for the false values.
May this helps: http://www.bullywiihacks.com/t1195-tutorial-searching-for-known-and-unknown-values#5063
Do not forget to change the 80 in the adress, if you search for codes in this memory range. Then it must be 04.
If there still problems, add me in Skype and send tell your problem, here I do not see when I have a new message xD


34Important Re: Gecko Cheat Codes Loader Options 10/26/2012, 12:19 pm

n a t u r e

n a t u r e

i need help how can i make them work on zombies please help.


Admin & Writer

n a t u r e wrote:i need help how can i make them work on zombies please help.

If you need help just feel free to PM me with your problem and I'll see if I can help you.


Moderator & Coder
Moderator & Coder

n a t u r e wrote:i need help how can i make them work on zombies please help.

Did you even read the first post? You asked for help but did not even explain your problem.

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