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Megaupload to return in 2017 Janurary

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IDK if you guys have heard about Kim dotcom's post and he says that he is going to start up mega-upload again in January 2017. I just think it will get taken down again for the heavy piracy which i kind of did agree with but then a lot of sites do contain payed software etc.


Admin & Writer

Yeah, I heard from a news post that they're going to be doing something with Bitcoin on the site, "...although it wasn't confirmed what it would be used for." Maybe, they're going to allow users to sell their files for Bitcoin. I know MEGA allows you to buy accounts with Bitcoin, so I don't know if that is what it's going to be used for as well. It'd be neat if you could profit off selling your files. I never heard of any file storage site allowing you to sell your files, so maybe he thought it would be neat if he could make that happen.

I'll prolly keep sticking to MEGA until I run out of space, which prolly won't be for a while. I'm currently at 19 GB (38% full\) and that's mostly from RAM dumps and psychology / drug books. Those fuckin' books are huge! About 50 - 150 MB each! And the RAM dumps are compressed in ZIP files; they're about a few MBs to about 25 MBs or so each. Doesn't take long to add up.

Megaupload to return in 2017 Janurary Simple10

Megaupload to return in 2017 Janurary LSTjSyDDiscord: SnB_BWH

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You could try and create another account which could lead to an extra 20GB storage?


Admin & Writer

Actually, it would be 50 GB, because it's an entirely new account. I could be wrong though. Neutral I just heard from some of the latest news stories about this subject and have found out that he's not going to be using Bitcoin for selling files, instead it's going to run on the actual Bitcoin network. I don't really understand that though; running software on a decentralized network. I'm not saying it's not possible, I just don't understand how that would work and if it does, why we haven't heard of anyone else doing it. I guess we'll just have to wait to understand more.

If he really wants to make this site popular, he should include a feature for viewing media, like documents, movies, pictures, etc. just like what Firedrive had. That's one of the reasons why Firedrive was so popular and that's why I used it. If he really wants to "fight" piracy censorship, he should include that feature. Wink I only wish MEGA had that feature.

Megaupload to return in 2017 Janurary Simple10

Megaupload to return in 2017 Janurary LSTjSyDDiscord: SnB_BWH

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Bye bye plans for Megaupload hello MEGA 2.0

Kim Dot Com announced he no longer has any control of MEGA since a Chinease investor bought most of the shares. He was later found wanted for fraud and was caught. The shares then was given to the New Zealand Government. The government now has control of MEGA since they have seized the shares.

Kim also announced plans to make a MEGA 2.0, Also this time be careful with the shares!

I personally believe Kim still has shares in MEGA but might just sell it off.

So Shitnbitch you gonna still store RAM Dumps on MEGA 1.0 or transfer to MEGA 2.0 Very Happy Very Happy

There should be a transfer from 1.0 to 2.0 but then Kim has no control so he cant do it Sad


Admin & Writer


It'd be nice if there was a transfer feature. MEGA allows transferring a file from one person's link to your own, but not from one site to another, since both owners of the sites have to agree to accept the sharing of files across two or more different platforms.

If the government has ownership of MEGA, wouldn't they collaborate with the US government and shut it down? Or are they not agreeing with each other after the matter has already been addressed between the two of them? China is kinda our enemy, so I could see why they would keep it to themselves.

I see MEGA 1.0 getting shut down and I guess we'll just have to wait and see about MEGA 2.0. Neutral The thing is, wasn't MegaUpload a site where you could search for files? I think that's why it got shut down. Some informants might have gotten onto the site and seen all the pirated shit and decided it was time to shut her down. See, with MEGA, you can only see the files if you have the link AND the decrypting key. People have found ways to bypass at least some bit of surveillance with this feature.

I'm just going to keep them on MEGA until MEGA gets shut down. No sense of moving when there's no need to. Wink I uploaded like military books and RAM dumps onto Google Drive before and my account got deleted. Not sure which files got it deleted though. That's why I never upload any pirated or any serious shit, like military or drug shit or anything onto Google Drive. Also, I think that's why Glitch's RAM Dump Database isn't there anymore, because Microsoft (OneDrive) deleted it because they thought it was piracy. I had only wished I or someone else had downloaded all his dumps. I only downloaded like 5-10, when there was like 120! We might need to find his contact info and get in contact with him, to get him to re-upload and this time... I will download each and every dump!

Megaupload to return in 2017 Janurary Simple10

Megaupload to return in 2017 Janurary LSTjSyDDiscord: SnB_BWH

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