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Creating Impact Modifier Codes For Wii-Tards

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First topic message reminder :

Set up everything like in the picture below. Type the text you want to search into the text box and hit the "Search" button.

RAM Dump section: CLICK!

Creating Impact Modifier Codes For Wii-Tards - Page 2 Qwiznoak

-> Once it finds something inspect it and possibly create a test code. See below how!


Since I'm feeling generous, here's something more concrete to save some of your time searching. I can't guarantee that there isn't more than listed below though. Try harder, Wii-tard. Troll


Creating the code:
When the address starts with 81, replace it with 05. Otherwise 04. Modify the default value as well. The highest floating value is 7F800000 and the highest integer 7FFFFFFF.

Hopefully this will help you in choosing the value you want to use. stupid2

Anything spotted so far? Hmm... uthink

Last edited by Bully@WiiPlaza on 7/8/2014, 8:22 pm; edited 3 times in total

Creating Impact Modifier Codes For Wii-Tards - Page 2 YBjg74I



You still didn't understand that I placed all possibilities to sort out so that dummies can do some work themselves how cocky they are trying to make better impact mods.

I've seen enough and I made a video myself already showing how mine is the best and only impact code with exactly 2 addresses while the 2nd one is doing very little to nothing so clearly I know it perfectly.


Last edited by Bully@WiiPlaza on 7/8/2014, 1:19 am; edited 1 time in total

Creating Impact Modifier Codes For Wii-Tards - Page 2 YBjg74I



Well im here to tell you that your 2 addresses alone are shit compared to how i was able to combine dvars and make it 100x better. And i came to this thread to see if i was missing anything or if i could learn something new not to copy off you and not do any work myself. It's called trying to learn more, it's not a crime x3 & Unless you scared to see the result i don't see why you wouldnt take up this offer and see if it is actually possible to make a better impact mod.



Well and I haven't seen anything you mentioned LOL.

By the way, this topic could help to improve actually, who knows. All tips are valid and the best possible. Wink

Creating Impact Modifier Codes For Wii-Tards - Page 2 YBjg74I



Bully@WiiPlaza wrote:Well and I haven't seen anything you mentioned LOL.

By the way, this topic could help to improve actually, who knows. All tips are valid and the best possible. Wink
They are great tips not tryna say that. But i already knew all this is what i was saying, and im not talking about mw3 dude im talking blackops. Get online ill show you, ive seen other niggas post shit about how they can shoot through the whole map and you always reply show me proof. Why wont you let me show you proof?



Proof in terms of code.

Creating Impact Modifier Codes For Wii-Tards - Page 2 YBjg74I



Bully@WiiPlaza wrote:Proof in terms of code.
Fuck that ill show you proof in terms of gameplay  Surprised 
Code giving out aint my thing just like it aint yours.


Admin & Writer

Even if you did show us in gameplay, I doubt the code hasn't already been released and stolen 5,000+ times at CodeStealers.

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Creating Impact Modifier Codes For Wii-Tards - Page 2 LSTjSyDDiscord: SnB_BWH

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Gameplay can't be measured at something like this. You're fake then and using what's posted and stolen everywhere like all of the other n00bs do.

Creating Impact Modifier Codes For Wii-Tards - Page 2 YBjg74I



Bully@WiiPlaza wrote:Gameplay can't be measured at something like this. You're fake then and using what's posted everywhere like all of the other n00bs. This is why I'm right about all that.
I'm fake? I said i combine working dvars and a couble of my own addresses which you have in that dvar address list already. Like 814CEE68 41F00000 bullet_penetrationMinFxDist Shadow who is a coder on this site posted a code that i put together that had some of my addresses and some of cannibals addresses and that cannibal posted the code not me. Search this code anywhere you will not find that cannibal posted it. Shadow is stupid. His argument was that all of the addresses in the code were cannibals. He was wrong but never corrected the credits, he knows he was wrong too. But whatever
Heres the code btw:

Impact Mod/Penetration/Hardened Mod [Zòdíàç/Cannibal666]
054CEE6B 7F800000
054D4F88 7F800000
054D4EA8 7F800000
054D5148 7F800000
054D51B8 7F800000
054C57E8 7F800000
E0000000 80008000

No i'm not fake, yes I make dvar codes. No i never said my impact was all my addresses, yes i said you can make impact better by combining working addresses. There is not only 1 working dvar impact address for blackops like you posted Wink but you wont let no one show you so no you will never get knowledge if you stay with that stuck up attitude that you are better than the whole wii community. Yes you're better than me in coding. Doesn't mean you can't learn from me, you don't know everything you know.




I tested everything and figured that out so it's a fact and not an attitude. The CoD Wii "modding" community is mainly clueless kiddies who aren't even close to my level. Simply because nobody bothers using my valuable tips and programs since they're too difficult to understand or they think they're so good themselves by stealing and pasting. lmao2

Creating Impact Modifier Codes For Wii-Tards - Page 2 YBjg74I



Bully@WiiPlaza wrote:Hahaha.

I tested everything and figured that out so it's a fact and not an attitude. The CoD Wii "modding" community is mainly clueless kiddies who aren't even close to my level. Simply because nobody bothers using my valuable tips and programs since they're too difficult to understand or they think they're so good themselves by stealing and pasting. lmao2
I'm not a kid, and i don't steal. Why treat everyone like that if you don't even know the person



Did you figure out that all dvars in your code used are in my list also?  uthink 
There's obviously nothing else you know besides what I posted in this topic.
Why were you crying about how this topic is shit? You could "learn" even more by looking at the other results lmao

I'll repeat myself:
I checked all these addresses once and none besides 2 seemed to do something.

There's 1 main impact dvar and another which is for regular bullet distance. I released these codes long ago so using these addresses is stealing credit anyways, no matter how much junk or useful stuff is added. Neutral

Last edited by Bully@WiiPlaza on 7/8/2014, 1:53 am; edited 1 time in total

Creating Impact Modifier Codes For Wii-Tards - Page 2 YBjg74I



Bully@WiiPlaza wrote:Did you figure out that all dvars in your code used are in my list also?
There's obviously nothing else you know besides what I posted in this topic.
Why were you crying about how this topic is shit? You could "learn" even more by looking at the other results lmao
Did you not see where i said that they were in your list, And i didn't say your post was shit. I said you had a false impact dvar in here, why you putting words into my mouth? And yes there are other impact dvars. Try looking up armor piercing dvars  Smile 



Wow, one false one. All are false besides two and strightly one. N00b. Actually read my posts before you reply. It's all possibilities not sorted out.

Creating Impact Modifier Codes For Wii-Tards - Page 2 YBjg74I



Bully@WiiPlaza wrote:
There's 1 main impact dvar and another which is for regular bullet distance. I released these codes long ago so using these addresses is stealing credit anyways, no matter how much junk or useful stuff is added. Neutral
How can you say that? If the dvar used makes the impact better than ofcourse the dvar works. If there is no change then it doesn't. Just because im using ur 2 codes at the same time doesnt mean the code doesn't work. It's not like if i take off ur code then the dvars gonna stop working. No. Its just gonna be less strong.  Wink 



I can figure out if an address does something and when or nothing using my USB Gecko so it's proven when I do. Not what however. It's 100% accurate and doesn't involve looking at the gameplay. Sorry but a debugger never lies. Wink

The technique is called "breakpoint read". Look it up if you have no clue n00b.

Creating Impact Modifier Codes For Wii-Tards - Page 2 YBjg74I



Bully@WiiPlaza wrote:I can figure out if an address does something and when or nothing using my USB Gecko so it's proven when I do. Not what however. It's 100% accurate and doesn't involve looking at the gameplay. Sorry.
Then you need to start looking at gameplay cause you're sadly mistaken if you think your 2 addresses are the only addresses that really change anything for penetration. If you're so sure of yourself you shouldn't bother to get on for 10 min and let me show you in a private match Wink looks to me like you're not doing anything right now but trying to prove a mistaken point. You got all rattled up just because i corrected you, calm your balls bully.



You corrected nothing I didn't know already (I did not use this for my impact code but you did with the other non-working dvars, who fucked up here?) and I'm going to look at my list again this weekend when I'm at home. If you bother taking the 2 lines off it would no longer do anything.

Creating Impact Modifier Codes For Wii-Tards - Page 2 YBjg74I



Bully@WiiPlaza wrote:You corrected nothing I didn't know already and I'm going to look at my list again this weekend when I'm at home. If you bother taking the 2 lines off it would no longer do anything.
If you knew then don't post it and make yourself look stupid. And It still will, your codes not a fucking activator it just makes things more penetrable.



You still don't get it? The title says "for Wii-tards" so I posted everything. I'm that smart to know it's just 2 dvars. Proof are my code releases. Now shut the fuck up and learn to use your brain properly. stupid2 

Creating Impact Modifier Codes For Wii-Tards - Page 2 YBjg74I



Bully@WiiPlaza wrote:You still don't get it? The title says "for Wii-tards" so I posted everything. I'm that smart to know it's just 2 dvars. Proof are my code releases. Now shut the fuck up and learn to use your brain properly.
LOL your addresses arent the only working impacts is what you're not getting. I love how you won't let me show you if you so sure that those are the only working ones. And no idiot i did not use that fake impact dvar in my impact. I'm just knowledgeable enough that when i found it it was around the campaign mode play options. y u so stupid? I woulda thought you were open to learning new things.  Shocked And again no you didn't post that knowing that it was for campaign. You posted it cause you thought it had something to do with hardened perk, if you thoguht it was for campaign it wouldnt matter if it had hardened in its name. You wouldn't have posted it in your "IMPACT MOD" thread. You would have posted it in a thread about "CAMPAIGN MODE DIFFICULTY":

814A6838 00000000 wii_allowTargetTrackingInHardened <----hardened meaning campaign mode difficulty

Now stfu and get corrected.



I don't learn bullshit from retards and I meant the addresses I've proven myself as non-working before are in your impact code while the one you cry about isn't even in mine. I've been coding for years and you're a pathetic kid. Visual gameplay means nothing compared to debugging especially when the difference can't really be seen.

Bottom line is you think you got more addresses that make the code "stronger" yet they aren't even used by the game. Who looks stupid again? You can't even tell without a USB Gecko. Rolling Eyes

Last edited by Bully@WiiPlaza on 7/8/2014, 2:33 am; edited 2 times in total

Creating Impact Modifier Codes For Wii-Tards - Page 2 YBjg74I



Bully@WiiPlaza wrote:I don't learn bullshit from retards and I meant the addresses I've proven myself as non-working before are in your impact code while the one you cry about isn't even in mine. I'm coding for years and you're a pathetic kid. Visual gameplay means nothing compared to debugging. -.-
You still don't get it do you. Let me make it clear. YOU POSTED A FALSE IMPACT DVAR. YOU MAY NOT HAVE USED IT BUT YOU POSTED IT IN YOUR TUT FOR DVAR IMPACT MAKING, your excuse is that you posted it cause it had the word hardened. Let your brain absorve that. And you say it dont work, but you won't allow proof to be shown to you. Just shut up please im getting quiet tired of arguing with you, you're irrational.



Why do you care so much that I posted that? It had a reason.
In Black Ops the perk is called "Hardened" so I included the search results. Retarded kiddies these days, stupidity near infinite.

Last edited by Bully@WiiPlaza on 7/8/2014, 2:32 am; edited 1 time in total

Creating Impact Modifier Codes For Wii-Tards - Page 2 YBjg74I



Bully@WiiPlaza wrote:Bottom line is you think you got more addresses that make the code "stronger" yet they aren't even used by the game. Who looks stupid again? You can't even tell without a USB Gecko. Rolling Eyes 

LOL, for sure bully. You keep telling yourself that. While im gonna be shooting throught the whole map you can keep saying that dvar addresses don't work. Unless you want to man up and take 10 min out your day to see for yourself that you are wrong.

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