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Creating Impact Modifier Codes For Wii-Tards

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First topic message reminder :

Set up everything like in the picture below. Type the text you want to search into the text box and hit the "Search" button.

RAM Dump section: CLICK!

Creating Impact Modifier Codes For Wii-Tards - Page 4 Qwiznoak

-> Once it finds something inspect it and possibly create a test code. See below how!


Since I'm feeling generous, here's something more concrete to save some of your time searching. I can't guarantee that there isn't more than listed below though. Try harder, Wii-tard. Troll


Creating the code:
When the address starts with 81, replace it with 05. Otherwise 04. Modify the default value as well. The highest floating value is 7F800000 and the highest integer 7FFFFFFF.

Hopefully this will help you in choosing the value you want to use. stupid2

Anything spotted so far? Hmm... uthink

Last edited by Bully@WiiPlaza on 7/8/2014, 8:22 pm; edited 3 times in total

Creating Impact Modifier Codes For Wii-Tards - Page 4 YBjg74I



You're both big credit stealers (Zodiac and Cannibal).

Most addresses have been found by other people before. Added some garbage to it doesn't give you full credit and half at best when it's actually better than before which I yet have to see. Just keep fighting over who can steal shitty impact dvars, wow.

In Cannibals newly released code list I've spotted many steals also. Fucking n00bs Rolling Eyes

Last edited by Bully@WiiPlaza on 7/8/2014, 8:07 pm; edited 1 time in total

Creating Impact Modifier Codes For Wii-Tards - Page 4 YBjg74I



Bully@WiiPlaza wrote:Added some garbage to it doesn't give you full credit
I never said i got full credit retard. I said i need credit aswell, Emoboy's pussy ass thinks i don't. He's just a stupid emotional bastard that wants everything his way. pirate Show me where i stole credit bully please. Show me where i said all addresses that i borrowed were mine. Dumbass doesn't even know how to use the term credit stealer right.



You get credit for nothing just like Cannibal since there's no contribution by adding garbage / letting the borrowed addresses do all the work.

Creating Impact Modifier Codes For Wii-Tards - Page 4 YBjg74I



Bully@WiiPlaza wrote:You're both big credit stealers (Zodiac and Cannibal).

Most addresses have been found by other people before. Added some garbage to it doesn't give you full credit and half at best when it's actually better than before which I yet have to see. Just keep fighting over who can steal shitty impact dvars, wow.

In Cannibals newly released code list I've spotted many steals also. Fucking n00bs Rolling Eyes

Who cares, it's Wii codes. You're calling us "Wii-tards" yet you're crying over a name on a Wii code LMFAO

Creating Impact Modifier Codes For Wii-Tards - Page 4 Tumblr_m617odhURv1rysrb2o1_500



I care because it's the most pathetic wannabe way of being a coder. If you steal credit on purpose you deserve nothing but being banned permanently.

Creating Impact Modifier Codes For Wii-Tards - Page 4 YBjg74I



Don't get mad because you can't code for shit, Wii coding isn't even considered coding unless you're on bullywiihacks.com and codelakers, you're lame as shit you talk to shit people then ban them where you're mad. You have a fucking forumotion website skiddie, you couldn't even make a simple Mybb forum that's how stupid you are, get a fucking life and stop spending you're time on the internet thinking you're a "good" coder.


Admin & Writer

Your name is funny as hell, it refers to the complete opposite of what you do. Also, learn some fucking grammar! You said BullyWiiHacks and CodeStealers is considered the best forums for Wii coding. Yet, you also said that BullyWiiHacks is the worst. Also, MyBB and PunBB are the same fucking thing! They are two different languages for building forum websites. As long as it fucking works!

Also, Forumotion is just the hoster, does it matter who hosts your fucking forum?! You said Bully can't even make a "simple MyBB forum". Why? Because it's simple! He didn't want it to look like shitty CodeStealers! Why do something difficult, if you can do it easily? Bully has contributed to the Wii hacking scene more than any other person I know and he's one of the only few actual Wii hackers that are still programming and making codes!

"Bully can't code for shit!"   upat

Anyways, you have been banned permanently! We don't tolerate brain-dead retarded faggots on this forum., sorry.  Smile

Creating Impact Modifier Codes For Wii-Tards - Page 4 Simple10

Creating Impact Modifier Codes For Wii-Tards - Page 4 LSTjSyDDiscord: SnB_BWH

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Lmao! "I'm going to re-program everything ever invented just to prove that I can code."
No, typical n00b argument. Script kiddies better show something they made before talking shit as clueless and brain-dead as they make themselves look.

Creating Impact Modifier Codes For Wii-Tards - Page 4 YBjg74I


Mod Skid Programmer, Coder & Hacker

Hey bully can u help me i sold my usb gecko can u get me som ram dump files plz



XxModZxX wrote:Hey bully can u help me i sold my usb gecko can u get me som ram dump files plz

Creating Impact Modifier Codes For Wii-Tards - Page 4 YBjg74I

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